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2019-048 - Approving General Plan Amendment No. 2019-01
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2019-048 - Approving General Plan Amendment No. 2019-01
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6/20/2019 12:19:00 PM
Creation date
6/20/2019 8:31:01 AM
City Clerk
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NS-2968 - Approving Amendment Application No. 2019-01 Rezoning the Property Located at 651 West Sunflower Avenue from Single-Family Residential (R-1) to Specific Development No. 94 (SD-94)...
(Amended By)
\Ordinances\2011 - 2020 (NS-2813 - NS-3000)\2019 (NS-2963 - NS-2978
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LAND USE ELEMENT <br />interagency Development Review Committee (DRC) to ensure consistent and <br />comprehensive application of City regulations and policies for all projects. <br />Redevelopment Plans. The City will apply redevelopment tools associated <br />with the implementation of the adopted redevelopment plans, as appropriate. <br />The City will encourage the further development of industrial, commercial, <br />and residential projects in suitable locations to strengthen the City's tax and <br />employment base. <br />Special Studies. In certain instances, a special study may be required to <br />address a particular issue. In these cases, a specific effort to identify staff <br />resources needed to conduct the appropriate investigation and analysis will be <br />identified. <br />Zoning Code Review. The zoning code serves as a primary tool used by the <br />City to regulate development. The City will develop a program to revise the <br />Zoning Ordinance to ensure that development regulations and standards are <br />consistent with community needs and high quality development. The City <br />will initiate appropriate changes to the ordinance to ensure, where <br />appropriate, conformity between the Land Use Element and Zoning Map. <br />LAND USE PLAN BUILDOUT <br />As indicated previously, the City of Santa Ana has been almost completely <br />developed for many years. As a result, any new development will necessarily <br />consist of redevelopment and infill development on the remaining vacant and <br />underutilized parcels. Many parcels with nonresidential land use designations <br />will never be developed to the maximum intensity permitted under the General <br />Plan. <br />Table A-4 indicates the development possible under the build -out of the Land <br />Use Plan. The build -out for residential land uses considered two scenarios. <br />Effective build -out for residential development is calculated by adding the 2l, 256 <br />21.482 units possible in the areas designated as District Center and Urban <br />Neighborhood to the existing 74,588 units presently found in the City perCensus <br />2000. Theoretical build -out for residential development considered the <br />development possible if all ofthe areas designated as residential were developed <br />according to the permitted Land Use Plan intensities. Since the Land Use <br />Element does not contemplate the elimination ofexisting housing in the Cit y the <br />effective build -out figure represents a more realistic estimate of future residential <br />development. <br />As indicated in Table A-4, three of the non-residential land use designations have <br />a range in FAR intensities. For the non-residential land use designations, effective <br />build -out considered the development possible under the lower range of FAR <br />intensities while theoretical build -out considered the upper FAR range. Typically, <br />parking and landscaping requirements will result in significantly less Floor area <br />A-34 <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA GENERAL PLAN <br /> <br />
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