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2019-047 - Adopting Mitigated Negative Declaration Environmental Review No. 2018-75
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2019-047 - Adopting Mitigated Negative Declaration Environmental Review No. 2018-75
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6/20/2019 8:32:20 AM
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NS-2968 - Approving Amendment Application No. 2019-01 Rezoning the Property Located at 651 West Sunflower Avenue from Single-Family Residential (R-1) to Specific Development No. 94 (SD-94)...
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\Ordinances\2011 - 2020 (NS-2813 - NS-3000)\2019 (NS-2963 - NS-2978
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PLANNING DEPARTMENT <br />A. Project Title: Legacy Sunflower Apartments <br />B. Lead Agency Name and Address: City of Santa Ana <br />20 Civic Center Plaza <br />Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />C. Contact Person and Phone Number: Ivan Orozco (714) 667-2763 <br />D. Project Location: The project is located in the City of Santa Ana as shown in Figure 1, Regional <br />Map. More specifically, the project is located at the northeast corner of Flower <br />Street and Sunflower Avenue as shown in Figure 2, Vicinity Map. An aerial <br />photograph of the site and the surrounding area is shown in Figure 3, Aerial <br />Photo. The on -site topography is shown in Figure 4, USGS Topography Map. <br />E. Project Sponsor's Name and Address: Legacy Partners <br />5141 California Avenue, Suite 100 <br />Irvine, CA 92617 <br />949-930-7700 <br />F. General Plan Designation: The project site is designated Low Density Residential (LR-7) land use by <br />the Santa Ana General Plan. The project would require a general plan amendment to Urban <br />Neighborhood (UN). <br />G. Zoning: The project site is zoned Single -Family Residence (R1). The project would require a zone <br />change to Specific Development (SD). <br />H. Description of Project: The project applicant proposes the development of 226 multi -family <br />apartments on a 3.59-acre site located at 651 Sunflower Avenue. The property is developed with the <br />Sound Church and would be demolished. The church proposes to relocate to the downtown area of <br />Santa Ana with development of the project. The project proposes 226 apartments in a five -story <br />building. A six level parking structure, which includes one level of subterranean parking and five levels <br />above ground, is proposed for the middle of the site along the northern project boundary with a five - <br />story apartment building wrapped around the five level parking structure on three sides. The <br />apartment building and the parking structure would front Sunflower Avenue. The main driveway for <br />access to the project is from Sunflower Avenue at the middle of the site. The project includes a central <br />outdoor courtyard with a swimming pool and spa, outdoor furniture, bar-b-ques, outdoor yoga and <br />fitness court and restrooms at the apartment building on the west side of the site. A central fitness <br />center, clubroom and business center/conference room, mailroom, parcel room, bike storage area and <br />apartment leasing area are proposed for the westerly apartment building. Two active open space <br />areas are proposed in the eastern area of the site and include a dog park and garden and outdoor <br />dining area for project residents. The project includes studio, one -and two -bedroom apartments <br />ranging in average size of 612 square feet for the studio apartments, 670 square feet for the one - <br />bedroom apartments and 1,105 square feet for the two -bedroom apartments. The project includes 35 <br />studio apartments, 114 one -bedroom apartments and 77 two -bedroom apartments. Some of the <br />ground floor apartments would have terraces. All of the remaining units would have balconies. The <br />apartment building would be 75 feet in height to the top of roof and the parking structure would be 70 <br />feet in height. The project proposes 452 parking spaces, including 10 subterranean parking spaces, <br />Legacy Sunflower Apartments Page 1 <br />Mitigated Negative Declaration — March 14, 2019 <br />
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