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2019-047 - Adopting Mitigated Negative Declaration Environmental Review No. 2018-75
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2019-047 - Adopting Mitigated Negative Declaration Environmental Review No. 2018-75
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6/20/2019 12:18:40 PM
Creation date
6/20/2019 8:32:20 AM
City Clerk
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NS-2968 - Approving Amendment Application No. 2019-01 Rezoning the Property Located at 651 West Sunflower Avenue from Single-Family Residential (R-1) to Specific Development No. 94 (SD-94)...
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\Ordinances\2011 - 2020 (NS-2813 - NS-3000)\2019 (NS-2963 - NS-2978
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and handicap spaces. Four bicycle parking spaces are proposed. The project proposes 57,957 square <br />feet of open space including 22,781 square feet of passive open space, 24,096 square feet of active <br />open space and 11,080 square feet of private open space. A total of 227 storage units are proposed <br />for all five levels in the parking structure, including 20 storage units in the subterranean parking level, <br />for use by the residents. Landscaping is proposed within the required setbacks along all sides of the <br />site. The existing student drop-off area for Taft Elementary school is adjacent to and north of the site <br />and would remain with the project. Access to the road for the student drop-off area at the school is <br />from Sunflower Avenue at the east side of the site. The exit for the student drop-off area is at the west <br />side of the project. This existing 'looped" student drop-off route would be preserved and incorporated <br />into the project and allow parents to continue to drop-off students at Taft Elementary school via <br />Sunflower Avenue as the existing condition. Trash bins would be located at the north side of the site <br />and within the parking structure. Waste bins would be located on each floor of the parking structure for <br />tenants of each floor to deposit their solid waste. A trash loading area is proposed for the northeast <br />area of the site. Trash trucks would enter the site at the east end of the site from the same driveway <br />that Taft Elementary parents use to drop off students at Taft Elementary School. Trash trucks can also <br />exit the site at the same east driveway at Sunflower Avenue. An emergency vehicle access route is <br />proposed along the north project boundary for emergency vehicle access from both the west and east <br />sides of the site at Sunflower Avenue. The project is scheduled to be constructed in two phases. <br />Project construction would start in the first quarter of 2020 and the first phase completed in October <br />2021. The second phase is scheduled to be completed in December 2021 or early 2022. The project <br />proposes Modern architecture. The proposed site plan is shown in Figure 5. <br />Surrounding Land Uses and Setting: The existing on -site land use includes the Sound Church, <br />parking lot and open space. The land uses surrounding the project that are in the City of Santa Ana <br />include Taft Elementary school to the north, multi -family homes to the east and multi -family units to the <br />west, west of Flower Street. The Enclave Apartment development to the south, south of Sunflower <br />Avenue, the Avenue of the Arts apartment development to the southwest, southwest of the intersection <br />of Sunflower Avenue and Sakioka Drive are in the City of Costa Mesa. Sunflower Avenue that is <br />adjacent to and south of the site is the boundary between the cities of Santa Ana and Costa Mesa. An <br />open Orange County flood control channel extends along the east side of Flower Street and forms the <br />west project boundary. Figure 6 shows photographs of the on -site land uses and Figures 7 and 8 show <br />the surrounding land uses. Figure 9 is a photo orientation map showing the location of the on -site and <br />surrounding land use photos. <br />J. Other Public Agencies Whose Approval is Required: The discretionary action required from the City <br />of Santa Ana includes a General Plan Amendment from Low Density Residential (LR-7) to Urban <br />Neighborhood (UN), a Zone Change to Specific Development (SD) zoning on the site and site plan <br />approval. The project would also require a Notice of Intent to comply with the General Construction <br />Activity NPDES Permit from the State Water Resources Control Board. The project would not require <br />any other approvals from public agencies. <br />K. Have California Native American tribes traditionally and culturally affiliated with the project area <br />requested consultation pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21080.3.1? If so, is there a <br />plan for consultation that includes, for example, the determination of significance of impacts to <br />tribal cultural resources, procedures regarding confidentiality, etc.? Tribal letters were mailed <br />December 31, 2018 to six tribes that formally invited consultation with the City in compliance with <br />21080.3.1. The Gabrielino Ban of Mission Indians — Kizh Nation contacted the City and requested <br />consultation. The tribes that were contacted include: <br />1. Gabrielino Ban of Mission Indians — Kizh Nation <br />2. Gabrieleno/Tongva Nation <br />Legacy Sunflower Apartments Page 6 <br />Mitigated Negative Declaration — March 14, 2019 <br />
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