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TTT <br />Programmable Electric Signs <br />DG -173 Programmable electronic signs should utilize automatic <br />dimming technology to allow the brightness of the light to <br />adjust to ambient light. <br />DG -174 Advertisement or informational signage displayed on <br />programmable electronic signs should have a maximum <br />time limit. <br />Wayfinding signage is important to help facilitate pedestrian and vehicular <br />circulation. <br />Wayfinding Signage <br />DG -175 Wayfinding signage should not be placed within the direct <br />pedestrian zone or obstruct pedestrian traffic flow in any <br />way. <br />DG -176 Wayfinding signage should be clear and easy to <br />understand for pedestrians and motorists. <br />DG -177 Wayfinding signage associated with an individual use <br />(commercial, residential, office) should be consistent in <br />look and size with other signs of the same use to provide <br />DESIGN GUIDELINES 1 4 <br />easier identification of building uses to pedestrians and <br />motorists. <br />DG -178 Creative approaches to wayfinding that utilize existing <br />vertical elements, such as streetlight banners, are <br />encouraged. <br />DG -179 All signage and associated components should <br />complement the color and finish of the surrounding <br />streetscape and architectural elements. <br />DG -180 Wayfinding elements should be designed to be utilized by <br />a variety of users, including visually and hearing impaired. <br />4.5.4 Lighting <br />Lighting within the planning area will enhance safety for pedestrians <br />and motorists and create an inviting atmosphere to promote night <br />use of the site. Specific attention should be paid to providing <br />adequate lighting at high pedestrian traffic areas or to illuminate <br />entryway elements. <br />Pedestrian and vehicular lighting will be provided at different scales, <br />but focus on illuminating the ground plane along paths of travel. <br />Additional accent lighting is encouraged to highlight hardscape and <br />softscape materials as focal points of an area. Spillover lighting from <br />ground floor retail and office uses will also increase visibility at night <br />within the planning area. <br />General Liehtine Guidelines <br />DG -181 Lighting of private roadways and bikeways should comply <br />with relevant standards published by the Illuminating <br />Engineering Society (I.E.S.). <br />DG -182 Vehicle entrances, driveways, parking and service areas, <br />pedestrian entrances, walkways, and activity areas should <br />MAINPLACE SPECIFIC PLAN 1 4-27 <br />