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NS-2966 - Approving Amendment Application No. 2018-04 for Mainplace Mall Specific Plan for Property Located at 2800 North Main Street
2011 - 2020 (NS-2813 - NS-3000)
2019 (NS-2963 - NS-2978
NS-2966 - Approving Amendment Application No. 2018-04 for Mainplace Mall Specific Plan for Property Located at 2800 North Main Street
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Last modified
6/21/2019 4:58:39 PM
Creation date
6/21/2019 4:40:52 PM
City Clerk
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2019-041 - Approving Tentative Parcel Map No. 2018-01
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\Resolutions\CITY COUNCIL\2011 -\2019
NS-2967 - Approving Development Agreement No. 2018-02 Between City of Santa Ana and Mainplace ShoppingTown, LLC for Mainplace Mall Transformation Project
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\Ordinances\2011 - 2020 (NS-2813 - NS-3000)\2019 (NS-2963 - NS-2978
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A. The MainPlace Project does not constitute a substantial change that <br />would require major revisions of the 1983 EIR due to the involvement <br />of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the <br />severity of previously identified significant effects. <br />B. There is not a substantial change with respect to the circumstances <br />under which the MainPlace Project will be developed that would <br />require major revisions of the 1983 EIR due to the involvement of new <br />significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the <br />severity of the previously identified significant effects. <br />C. New information of substantial importance has not been presented that <br />was not known and could not have been known with the exercise of <br />reasonable diligence at the time the 1983 EIR was certified or adopted, <br />showing any of the following: (i) that the modifications would have one <br />or more significant effects not discussed in the earlier environmental <br />documentation; (ii) that significant effects previously examined would <br />be substantially more severe than shown in the earlier environmental <br />documentation; (iii) that mitigation measures or alternatives previously <br />found not to be feasible would in fact be feasible and would <br />substantially reduce one or more significant effects, but the applicant <br />declined to adopt such measures; or (iv) that mitigation measures or <br />alternatives considerably different from those analyzed previously <br />would substantially reduce one or more significant effects on the <br />environment, but which the applicant declined to adopt. <br />SECTION 2. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY. Based on the entire record <br />before the City Council, including all written and oral evidence presented to the City <br />Council, the City Council hereby finds that the Specific Plan is compatible with the <br />objectives, policies, and general plan land use programs specified in the General Plan <br />for the City of Santa Ana in that: <br />A. The City of Santa Ana has officially adopted a General Plan. <br />B. The land uses and development authorized by the Specific Plan, and the <br />Specific Plan itself, are compatible with the objectives, policies, general land <br />uses, and programs specified in the General Plan, for the following reasons: <br />1. The existing General Plan land use designation for the Property is District <br />Center —intended to serve as an anchor to the City's commercial <br />corridors, and to accommodate major development activity. District <br />Centers are to be developed with an urban character that includes a <br />mixture of high-rise office, commercial, and residential uses which <br />provide shopping, business, cultural, education, recreation, <br />entertainment, and housing opportunities. <br />2. The proposed project will support several goals and policies of the <br />General Plan, including: <br />Ordinance No. NS-2966 <br />Page 3 of 9 <br />
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