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TTT <br />DG -116 Coverings, such as awnings, canopies, or architectural <br />elements over doorways, windows, and pedestrian <br />walkways may project into the pedestrian walkway <br />provided they do not impede the required clear space. <br />DG -117 Bike racks, transit shelters, and other transit supportive <br />uses should be easily accessible and deter riders from <br />using pedestrian walkways as riding lanes. <br />DG -118 Primary pedestrian walkways should be clearly delineated <br />and remain clear of furnishings, signage, landscaping, and <br />other impediments. This may be done with ground <br />material changes. <br />DG -119 Walkways should be located to minimize the impact of <br />pedestrians on the privacy of nearby residences or private <br />open space. Avoid siting a walkway directly against a <br />building. A landscaped planting area between walkways <br />and building facades is strongly encouraged. <br />DG -120 Design should incorporate stormwater remediation and <br />other Low Impact Development (LID) techniques into the <br />streetscape where feasible. <br />DG -121 Seating opportunities for visitors should be provided <br />within the streetscape area. <br />DESIGN GUIDELINES 1 4 <br />Creating seating opportunities is an important placemaking concept. <br />B. Paving <br />DG -122 Decorative paving should be utilized at all primary <br />entrances to public and private spaces and in high -traffic <br />pedestrian areas to denote a node or gathering space. <br />Examples of decorative paving can include brick, patterned <br />colored concrete, stone block or pavers, interlocking <br />colored pavers, permeable pavers, or other materials. <br />DG -123 Decorative paving should be utilized along primary <br />pedestrian pathways and may include wayfinding <br />elements to encourage pedestrian movement throughout <br />the site. <br />DG -124 Paving material changes should be utilized at areas of <br />conflict between pedestrians and motorists as a traffic <br />calming method. <br />MAINPLACE SPECIFIC PLAN 1 4-19 <br />