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TTT <br />DG -130 Tree grates should be provided along street edges and <br />locations where a continuous -level walking surface is <br />needed. <br />DG -131 Tree grates should be provided to protect trees in high <br />activity areas. Tree grate design should be compatible <br />with adjacent development and other street furniture. <br />DG -132 Bike racks, bike corrals, or similar facilities should be <br />consistent in design of adjacent streetscape furniture. <br />E. Walls and FPnrp, <br />DG -133 The proportion, scale, and form of the walls should be <br />consistent with the adjacent building's design. <br />DG -134 Walls and fences should be kept as low as possible while <br />performing their functional purpose. Heights of <br />commercials walls and fences should be kept to a <br />minimum height to avoid a "fortress" image. <br />DG -135 Landscaping should be used in combination with walls to <br />visually soften blank surfaces. Vines are strongly <br />encouraged. <br />DG -136 Colors, materials, and appearance of walls and fences <br />should be compatible with the development. <br />DG -137 Visually penetrable materials (e.g., wrought iron or tubular <br />steel) should be used in areas of high pedestrian activity <br />and areas adjacent to street frontage. <br />DG -138 Wall design and selection of materials should consider <br />maintenance issues, especially graffiti removal and long- <br />term maintenance. <br />DESIGN GUIDELINES 1 4 <br />Open space can take the form of hardscape or softscape and complements <br />the surrounding development. <br />4.5.2 Open Space <br />Access to usable open spaces is an important component of <br />commercial and residential development that provides the <br />opportunity for exercise, social gathering, and leisure. Open space <br />can take both passive and active form and include plazas, multi -use <br />spaces, play structures, and pocket parks. <br />MAINPLACE SPECIFIC PLAN 1 4-21 <br />