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Environmental and Planning Services <br />Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc, provides a full range of <br />environmental and planning services to cities, counties, and <br />other State and local agencies and special districts, as well as <br />private entities throughout California We have an impressive <br />portfolio of completed environmental and planning work that <br />directly corresponds to the expertise required by the City of <br />Santa Ana to process the wide range of projects requiring <br />environmental and planning services, Potential projects may <br />involve, but would not be limited to, public -sector and private - <br />sector development projects that may require general plan <br />amendments, zone changes, and/or conditional use permits; <br />office and mixed -use project developments; in -fill <br />developments; and infrastructure and public property <br />improvements We have extensive experience in the <br />preparation of policy documents including updates to General <br />Plan Elements; new and revised Municipal Codes; and Specific <br />Plans, Our staff also provides staff services to cities and <br />counties including project management services, plan check, <br />and design review, <br />Our environmental compliance and planning services <br />applicable to the City of Santa Ana include the following: <br />California Environmental Quality Act (CEDA) <br />• Initial Studies <br />• Environmental Assessments <br />• Negative Declarations and Mitigated Negative <br />Declarations <br />• Addendums <br />• Categorical Exemptions and CEQA Section 15183 <br />Exemptions <br />• Program and Project Environmental Impact Reports <br />• Responses to Comments <br />• Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program <br />Preparation and Compliance <br />• Findings of Fact and Statements of Overriding <br />Considerations <br />• Noticing <br />• Scoping Meetings, Outreach, and Presentations <br />• Project Management and Staff Services <br />• Public Hearing Presentations <br />• Staff Reports <br />• Agency Permit Processing <br />• Regulatory Permit Processing <br />• Categorical Exclusions <br />• Environmental Assessments <br />• Environmental Impact Statements <br />KimleyoHorn <br />City of Santa Ana Environmental and Planning Services <br />Caltrans CEOA and NEPA documentation <br />• Preliminary Environmental Studies <br />• Project Study Reports <br />• Preliminary Environmental Analysis Reports <br />• Environmental Assessments/Finding of No <br />Significant Impact <br />• Technical Studies including but not limited to Visual <br />Impact Assessments, Initial Site Assessments, Air <br />Quality, Noise, Traffic <br />Technical Assessments <br />• Traffic Analyses: ICU and VMT methodologies <br />• Parking Management <br />• AestheticsNisual Impact Analyses, including <br />shade/shadow analysis and visual simulations <br />• Air Quality Assessments <br />• Health Risk Assessments <br />• Farmland Conversion: Land Evaluation and Site <br />Assessments <br />• Climate Action Plans <br />• Cultural and Tribal Cultural Resources, including AB <br />52 and SB 18 consultation <br />• Greenhouse Gas Emissions Assessments <br />• Biological and Wetland Resource Assessments <br />• Energy Evaluations <br />• Hazards including Aviation Assessments <br />• Hazardous Materials including Phase I Environmental <br />Site Assessments <br />• Drainage Studies <br />• Water Quality Management Plans <br />• Water Supply Assessments <br />• Land Use and Planning Policy Analyses <br />• Mineral Resources <br />• Noise and Vibration Studies <br />• Population, Housing, and Employment Evaluations <br />• Public Services and Utilities/Service Systems, <br />including infrastructure planning and design <br />• Park and Recreational Assessments, including <br />landscape plans, trail plans, and park master plans <br />