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Scenario Planning <br />Scenario planning provides a flexible, stakeholder -based tool <br />for identifying anticipated long-term results of various <br />transportation infrastructure and land use scenarios Our team <br />consists of individuals who have successfully completed <br />comprehensive plans using scenario planning. Our <br />understanding of tools and best practices will provide the City <br />with valuable insight, guidance, and hands- on support. We <br />have conducted scenario planning as part of regional <br />transportation plans, transportation master plans, and <br />community general plans across the country We facilitated all <br />aspects of a large land use/transportation outreach visioning <br />process, Including public participation and analytical <br />assessments At the visioning workshops, participants were <br />provided with the necessary tools to convey their vision for the <br />future and how they would integrate land use and <br />transportation. Results from the workshops were used to help <br />build future growth scenarios and identify viable strategies for <br />achieving the best and desired aspects of the scenarios. <br />Comprehensive Development Services <br />Kimley-Florn has served clients in the public and private <br />sectors with an increasingly broad range of services since the <br />founding of the firm in 1967. Our commitment to sustainable <br />design is supported by numerous in-house LEED professionals <br />who work with clients across the country to achieve the <br />technological, economic, and environmental requirements for <br />LEED certification. By providing our clients with an integrated, <br />multidisciplinary team of design professionals, Kimley-Horn <br />delivers creative and innovative solutions for complex projects <br />nationwide. <br />Sustainability/Healthy Communities <br />Sustainability and healthy communities have become part of <br />the lexicon of planning. Our plans and processes seek to <br />incorporate sustainabllity and healthy communities' concepts <br />into our planning projects. Complete Streets, low impact <br />development (LID), mobility, safe routes to school, access to <br />healthy food, and bike/trail planning are examples of <br />sustainability concepts that have been incorporated into our <br />planning documents. We have provided award -winning <br />Kimley>»Horn <br />City of Santa Ana Environmental and Planning Services <br />sustainabllity policies to our municipal clients, including <br />transit- oriented development, General Plan policies, and <br />urban infill Specific Plans, <br />Public Scoping/Community Outreach <br />Stakeholder engagement and involvement Is an integral part of <br />almost every Kimley-Horn planning project, Residents, <br />business, state and federal agencies, environmental interest <br />groups, and the interested community -at -large are an <br />important part of identifying issues of concern, helping define <br />alternatives, and ultimately supporting the direction the project <br />will take. By providing these parties with meaningful ways to <br />provide input Into the planning process, key issues can be <br />addressed early in the project, avoiding critical delays later. <br />Kimley-Horn's planning staff has developed and implemented <br />hundreds of community engagement processes throughout the <br />country. We understand the dynamic nature of outreach and <br />have used a variety of engagement techniques, including <br />bilingual facilitation, web -based participation, visual preference <br />surveys, community workshops, phone surveys, focus groups, <br />and digital and print media, Kimley-Horn routinely prepares <br />materials and facilitates public outreach programs including <br />community workshops and charrettes, public seeping <br />meetings, public hearings, and briefings to elected officials, <br />committees, and City staff. For some projects, workshops, <br />meetings, and/or targeted outreach efforts may be appropriate <br />to provide a forum for meaningful community input and <br />effectively instill the public with a sense of "partnering" and <br />"ownership" in the process. <br />The Kimley-Horn project team includes skilled professionals <br />that can effectively facilitate public meetings and conduct <br />presentations on the environmental process and/or required <br />technical analyses. Our staff has lead extensive public <br />outreach programs involving numerous agencies. Our <br />professional staff includes fluent Spanish speakers and <br />Chinese (Cantonese; Mandarin) speakers who can provide <br />real-time translation services for community engagement <br />activities as well for written materials. <br />