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ELAN PROJECT <br />WATER SUPPLY ASSESSMENT <br />NOVEMBER 2, 201 <br />As shown in Table 9 above, in all climate scenarios analyzed in the 2015 UWMP, available <br />water supplies are projected to meet demands. Reliability of local water supplies will be ensured <br />through continued implementation of the OCWD Groundwater Management Plan, OCWD's <br />LTFP, and the combined efforts and programs among member agencies of Metropolitan. <br />The City closely monitors development throughout the City to ensure water supplies will meet <br />growing demand. The City has a log of all developments that have required a WSA and track <br />the increases in water demands from these projects. As shown in Table 10 below, the City is <br />able to provide water supply to satisfy growing City demands including the Elan Project. <br />FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 24 <br />