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ME <br />Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA) <br />Santa Ana Workforce Development Board: Youth Service Provider <br />14. Follow -Up Services (3 pages max) <br />A. Elaborate on the types of services that will be provided to youth during each quarter <br />during the 12-month follow-up period. <br />Follow-up services will include all of the same services available to participants during <br />enrollment with one exception, exited youth will not be eligible to receive paid wages or <br />stipends. Exited youth will still be able to benefit from work readiness workshops; support <br />services; incentives; job shadowing, internships, and training; intensive case management; and <br />leadership opportunities throughout the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Quarters after exit. <br />• See Section 18 — Additional Documents for a sample of the Workforce Activities <br />Calendar for examples of Workforce Readiness Workshops. <br />• Supportive Services include: transportation support (i.e. bus passes, gas cards); <br />uniforms; work tools; professional clothing; and driver's education fees. <br />• Incentives can be earned at 8 specific program benchmarks like: obtaining employment; <br />retaining employment; enrolling in education; retaining education; earning a credential; <br />obtaining a Driver's License; completing a 6-week Work Readiness series; and being <br />discharged from Probation or Parole. More details are found in Section 13. <br />• lob Shadowing, Internships, and Training are opportunities for participants to continue <br />to build their work readiness skills and employability. <br />• Intensive Case Management will be conducted through weekly interactions with <br />participants through the follow-up period, including in person appointments, phone <br />contact, home visits, worksite visits, and year-round workshops. <br />• Participants are encouraged to participate in Civic and Leadership Opportunities <br />including: conferences, participating in advocacy campaigns, and peer mentoring. <br />B. Describe how your organization will provide case management, job retention services, <br />mentoring, and ensure the participants attains their goals. <br />The proposed program will utilize two key staff positions to ensure participants attain <br />their goals throughout the program, especially during the follow-up period. The Case Manager <br />will provide the intensive case management for all participants, including the monitoring of <br />their ISP, conducting the TABE Assessments, supporting enrollment, and facilitating re - <br />enrollment in education. Project Kinship follows a Socio-Ecological understanding of individuals <br />within a community within society as a whole. It is understood that as needs are met, others <br />arise, which makes ongoing follow-up essential to maintaining success. The Case Manager will <br />collaborate on cases, advocate for, and continuously support the physical, mental, emotional, <br />and social needs of participants throughout the program, including follow-up. <br />Intensive case management services will help participants to understand the resources <br />available and how to access them. The agency has a "no wrong door" approach, which allows <br />participants to engage with staff through different programs within the agency and be <br />seamlessly navigated into programs that fit their needs. Staff uses a multidisciplinary approach <br />to increase the participant's support network and to foster positive relationships with <br />advocates in the community. All participants are engaged in one-on-one sessions to develop <br />their ISP and ICP. To ensure success, participants and staff set and review goals on an ongoing <br />