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Chat ltableVentums Policies and Procedures <br />I <br />ETHICS <br />Ethical business standards shall govern all procurement transactions. Disciplinary action for those <br />violating ethical business standards will be taken in accordance with applicable CVOC policy, up to and <br />including the termination of employment. CVOC personnel shall not solicit a gift or accept a significant <br />gift from any supplier or prospective supplier. A'significant gift' is defined as any item, service, favor, <br />monies, credits, or discounts not available to others which could influence purchasing decisions. CVOC <br />personnel may accept trivial items as a matter of courtesy, but may not solicit them. Acceptance of <br />social invitations to occasional business meals, entertainment, and hospitality will be subject to prudent <br />judgment as to whether the invitation places or appears to place the recipient under any obligation,.the <br />appropriateness of the occasion, frequency, and choice of facilities. Questions about the value of a gift <br />or the appropriateness of an invitation should be referred to your supervisor to ensure compliance with <br />CVOC's conflict of interest policy. CVOC values its suppliers and assumes that vendors, in turn, value <br />CVOC's business. No token or display of appreciation is necessary or encouraged. All vendors are asked <br />to comply with CVOC's standards by not offering incentives, gifts, or services to individual personnel. <br />SIGNATURE AUTHORITY <br />End users within projects typically do NOT have the authority to sign ANY contracts or agreements with <br />outside parties in the name of CVOC or one of its projects. Contracts and agreements need to be signed <br />by CVOC. Once the contract/agreement is reviewed and approved, it will be forwarded to the <br />appropriate officer of CVOC for signature. <br />PURCHASING PROCESS <br />The purchase of goods and services from outside vendors is to begin with the initiation of a purchase <br />order through CVOC's financial system or a paper form requesting a purchase order submitted to CVOC <br />office (allow three working days for paper form). This shall occur at the time the product or service <br />needs to be ordered, not when it is time to pay for the product or service. A fully approved and budget <br />checked Requisition (quote/price comparison form) is then automatically sourced into a Purchase Order. <br />The official Purchase Order is ready to be sent to the vendor. The system provides an appropriate audit <br />trail since all transactions are captured in the system specific to each individual purchase, putting CVOC <br />in the best position to pay for purchases in a timely manner. Starting with a Requisition ensures that an <br />approved and official Purchase Order is issued. An official Purchase Order is the legal document that <br />governs the transaction and properly protects the project and CVOC. Verbal purchases (without an <br />approved purchase order) (i.e. phone orders) are not considered valid by CVOC, nor are purchase orders <br />generated through internal project systems or means other than CVOC's accounting system. Projects <br />that use these means to initiate purchases with outside vendors assume responsibility for such <br />purchases at their own risk. <br />