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EXHIBIT 1C <br />to 20 CFR Part 603, 45 CFR Section 205.50, 20 USC 1232g and 34 CFR part 99, and 34 CFR <br />361.38, as well as any applicable State and local laws and regulations. <br />Each party will ensure that the collection and use of any information, systems, or records that <br />contain PH and other personal or confidential information will be limited to purposes that support <br />the programs and activities described in this MOU and will comply with applicable law. <br />Each party will ensure that access to software systems and files under its control that contain PH <br />or other personal or confidential. information will be limited to authorized staff members who are <br />assigned responsibilities in support of the services and activities described herein and will comply <br />with applicable law. Each party expressly agrees to take measures to ensure that no PII or other <br />personal or confidential information is accessible by unauthorized individuals. <br />To the extent that confidential, private, or otherwise protected information needs to be shared <br />amongst the parties for the parties' performance of their obligations under this MOU, and to the <br />extent that such sharing is permitted by applicable law, the appropriate data sharing agreements <br />will be created and required confidentiality and ethical certifications will be signed by authorized <br />individuals. With respect to confidential unemployment insurance information, any such data <br />sharing must comply with all of the requirements in 20 CFR Part 603, including but not limited to <br />requirements for an agreement consistent with 20 CFR 603.10, payments of costs, and permissible <br />disclosures. <br />With respect to the use and disclosure of FERPA-protected customer education records and the <br />PH contained therein, any such data sharing agreement must comply with all of the requirements <br />set forth in 20 U.S.C. § 1232g and 34 CFR Part 99. <br />With respect to the use and disclosure of personal information contained in VR records, any such <br />data sharing agreement must comply with all of the requirements set forth in 34 CFR 361.38. <br />15) PRESS RELEASES AND COMMUNICATIONS <br />All parties shall be consulted and notified prior to communicating with the press, television, radio <br />or any other form of media regarding its duties or performance under this MOU. Participation of <br />each party in presstmedia presentations will be determined by each party's public relations policies. <br />The parties agree to utilize the AJCC logo developed by the State of California and the SAWDB <br />on buildings identified for AJCC usage when applicable. <br />16) ACCESSIBILITY <br />Accessibility to the services provided by the AJCCs and all Partner agencies is essential to meeting <br />the requirements and goals of the local AJCC network. Job seekers and businesses must be able to <br />access all information relevant to them via visits to physical locations as well as in virtual spaces, <br />regardless of gender, age, race, religion, national origin, disability, veteran's status, or on the basis <br />of any other classification protected under state or federal law. <br />17) NON-DISCRINIINATION AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY <br />11 <br />25J-71 <br />