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(b) Fire Department <br />(c) Planning and Building Agency <br />(d) Community Development Agency <br />4.17 Emergency Evacuation Plan. Developer shall submit and obtain approval of an <br />Emergency Evacuation Plan (the EEP) from City Police and Fire Protection agencies prior to <br />issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Up-to-date 24-hour emergency contact information for <br />the on -site personnel shall be provided to the City on an ongoing basis and the approved EEP shall <br />be kept onsite and also be submitted to the following City Agencies: <br />(a) Police Department <br />(b) Fire Department <br />(c) Planning and Building Agency <br />(d) Community Development Agency <br />4.18 Crime Free Housing. Developer shall work with City Staff to develop a crime free <br />housing policy, procedure, and design plan (the "CFH Plan"). Developer shall submit and obtain <br />approval from the PBA the CFH Plan meeting the requirements of this Subsection 4.18 prior to <br />issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. The approved CFH Plan shall be implemented and <br />administered by Property Management. <br />4.19 Onsite Parking Management Plan. Developer shall provide onsite parking for <br />residents and visitors of the Project and actively monitor the parking demand of the Project site. <br />Developer shall continually monitor and take appropriate measures to manage the parking demand <br />of the Project site to mitigate the use of offsite parking spaces on private or public properties and/or <br />right-of-way. Prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy, Developer shall submit and obtain <br />approval from the PBA a Parking Management Plan (the "PMP") meeting the requirements of this <br />Subsection 4.19. The approved PMP shall be adhered to and be enforced by the Project at all <br />times. <br />4.20 Parking Shuttle and/or Valet Service. <br />(a) Developer must identify which parking lots have agreed to rent out parking spaces <br />for the valet service; <br />(b) Developer must identify specific shuttle stop locations and must obtain approval <br />from the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) to utilize its bus <br />stops/pullouts as part of its shuttle service operations; <br />(c) All residents of driving age must disclose any owned, leased, or rented vehicles to <br />be permitted to park on the project site or any properties as part of the valet or <br />shuttle service; <br />(d) Each tenant must agree to terms prohibiting parking of his or her vehicle on any <br />City -owned property; <br />(e) Every such agreement must contain penalties/consequences for violating the terms <br />of the agreement; <br />(f) Terms shall also be incorporated into the City's housing plan or agreement for the <br />Project; <br />(g) The shuttle shall be operated by the Developer and be at the Developer's expense; <br />14 <br />�• •. <br />