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Kathryn Downs, Executive Director of Finance Department provided a draft Budget <br />presentation with adjustments based on City Council recommendations during the June <br />4, 2019 meeting. <br />Council Committee Member Penaloza spoke regarding the Teen Space and youth <br />programs how they should not face budget cuts and expressed his concerns toward new <br />technology. <br />Staff answered various questions from Committee Members <br />Chair Solorio suggested staff add a table to the budget presentation summarizing the <br />proposed spending of Measure X revenue. <br />Vice -Chair Iglesias would like to more information regarding the funding of youth <br />programs. <br />Vice -Chair Iglesias requested staff provide a chart to the entire City Council showing the <br />impact to the Police Department of not having a sworn officer patrolling the streets. <br />Chair Solorio would like to form an ad -hoc committee to work with City Manager and <br />Director of Finance to develop recommended changes to the draft budget for <br />presentation to the entire City Council. <br />Vice -Chair Iglesias requested staff provide the estimated cost of operating a Police <br />substation at the next City Council meeting. <br />Vice -Chair Iglesias requested information of the originally proposed Fiscal Year 18/19 <br />budget proposed by the departments, and the current version of the draft budget to help <br />her understand the proposed FY 19/20 budget. She also requested detailed information <br />from Police Department's overtime expenditure by department. <br />Chair Solorio requested status of negotiations with the bargaining units. <br />3. Discuss and Propose Allocation of Measure X Funds for Consideration by Full City <br />Council (Strategic Plan No. 4, 1) (Councilmember Solorio) <br />Chair Solorio would like to form an ad -hoc committee to work with City Manager and <br />Budget staff to continue refining the City's budget. <br />Chair Solorio provided a list of how he would like the Measure X funds be utilized. <br />Vice Chair Iglesias provided a list of programs she is interested in funding. <br />ITEMS MOVED TO NEXT COMMITTEE MEETING — None <br />June 10, 2019 1 Economic Development, Infrastructure, Budget & Technology Minutes <br />13E-16 <br />