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HADLEY KATHRYN NOLAN <br /> <br />SOIL WATER AIR PROTECTION ENTERPRISE <br /> 2656 29th Street, Suite 201 <br /> Santa Monica, California 90405 <br /> Mobile: (678) 551-0836 <br />Office: (310) 452-5555 <br /> Fax: (310) 452-5550 <br /> Email: <br />EDUCATION <br />UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES B.S. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES & ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS AND SOCIETY JUNE 2016 <br /> <br />PROJECT EXPERIENCE <br />SOIL WATER AIR PROTECTION ENTERPRISE SANTA MONICA, CA <br /> AIR QUALITY SPECIALIST <br />SENIOR PROJECT ANALYST: CEQA ANALYSIS & MODELING <br />• Modeled construction and operational activities for proposed land use projects using CalEEMod to quantify criteria air pollutant <br />and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. <br />• Organized presentations containing figures and tables that compare results of criteria air pollutant analyses to thresholds. <br />• Quantified ambient air concentrations at sensitive receptor locations using AERSCREEN, a U.S. EPA recommended screening level <br />dispersion model. <br />• Conducted construction and operational health risk assessments for residential, worker, and school children sensitive receptors. <br />• Prepared reports that discuss adequacy of air quality and health risk analyses conducted for proposed land use developments <br />subject to CEQA review by verifying compliance with local, state, and regional regulations. <br />SENIOR PROJECT ANALYST: GREENHOUSE GAS MODELING AND DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE <br />• Evaluated environmental impact reports for proposed projects to identify discrepancies with the methods used to quantify and <br />assess GHG impacts. <br />• Quantified GHG emissions for proposed projects using CalEEMod to produce reports, tables, and figures that compare emissions <br />to applicable CEQA thresholds and reduction targets. <br />• Determined compliance of proposed land use developments with AB 32 GHG reduction targets, with GHG significance thresholds <br />recommended by Air Quality Management Districts in California, and with guidelines set forth by CEQA. <br />PROJECT ANALYST: ASSESSMENT OF AIR QUALITY IMPACTS FROM PROPOSED DIRECT TRANSFER FACILITY <br />• Assessed air quality impacts resulting from implementation of a proposed Collection Service Agreement for Exclusive Residential <br />and Commercial Garbage, Recyclable Materials, and Organic Waste Collection Services for a community. <br />• Organized tables and maps to demonstrate potential air quality impacts resulting from proposed hauling trip routes. <br />• Conducted air quality analyses that compared quantified criteria air pollutant emissions released during construction of direct <br />transfer facility to the Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s (BAAQMD) significance thresholds. <br />• Prepared final analytical report to demonstrate local and regional air quality impacts, as well as GHG impacts. <br /> PROJECT ANALYST: EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT OF LEAD PRODUCTS FOR PROPOSITION 65 COMPLIANCE DETERMINATION <br />• Calculated human exposure and lifetime health risk for over 300 lead products undergoing Proposition 65 compliance review. <br />• Compiled and analyzed laboratory testing data and produced tables, charts, and graphs to exhibit emission levels. <br />• Compared finalized testing data to Proposition 65 Maximum Allowable Dose Levels (MADLs) to determine level of compliance. <br />• Prepared final analytical lead exposure Certificate of Merit (COM) reports and organized supporting data for use in environmental <br />enforcement statute Proposition 65 cases. <br />ACCOMPLISHMENTS <br />• Academic Honoree, Dean’s List, University of California, Los Angeles MAR 2013, MAR 2014, JAN 2015, JAN 2016