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Planning Commission (2002-Present)
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EXHIBIT A <br />Resolution No. _____ Page 2 of 71 <br />Certification of the Magnolia at the Park EIR <br /> <br />e) The public agency shall specify the location and custodian of the documents or other materials <br />which constitute the record of the proceedings upon which its decision is based. <br />f) A statement made pursuant to Section 15093 does not substitute for the findings required by <br />this section. <br /> <br />CEQA Guidelines Section 15093 provides that: <br />a) CEQA requires the decision-making agency to balance, as applicable, the economic, legal, <br />social, technological or other benefits, including region-wide or statewide environmental <br />benefits of a proposed project, against its unavoidable environmental risks when determining <br />whether to approve the project. If the specific economic, legal, social, technological or other <br />benefits, including region-wide or statewide environmental benefits, or a proposed project <br />outweigh the unavoidable adverse environmental effects, the adverse environmental effects <br />may be considered “acceptable.” <br />b) When the lead agency approves a project which will result in the occurrence of significant <br />effects which are identified in the final EIR but are not avoided or substantially lessened, <br />the agency shall state in writing the specific reasons to support its action based on the final <br />EIR and/or other information in the record. The statement of overriding considerations shall <br />be supported by substantial evidence in the record. <br />c) If an agency makes a statement of overriding considerations, the statement should be <br />included in the record of the project approval and should be mentioned in the notice of <br />determination. This statement does not substitute for, and shall be in addition to, findings <br />required pursuant to Section 15091. <br /> <br />The City of Santa Ana, as lead agency, having received, reviewed and considered the Draft Environmental <br />Impact Report (DEIR) for the Magnolia at the Park Multi-Family Residential Project (Project), SCH No. <br />2018021031, as well as all other information in the record of proceedings on this matter, hereby adopts <br />the following Findings and Facts in Support of Findings (Findings) and Statement of Overriding <br />Considerations (SOC). <br /> <br />These Findings set forth the environmental basis for the discretionary actions to be undertaken by the City <br />of Santa Ana for the development and operation of the Project. This action includes the approval of the <br />DEIR SCH No. 2018021031. <br />1.2 Organization/Format of Findings <br />These Findings have been organized into the following sections: <br />• Section 1.0: Introduction, provides the organization and records information for these Findings. <br />• Section 2.0: Project Location, provides a summary of the location of the Project. <br />• Section 3.0: Project Description, provides a summary of the Project, including an overview of <br />the discretionary actions required for Project approval and a statement of the Project objectives. <br />• Section 4.0: Discretionary Actions, provides a list of the discretionary approvals that are required <br />by the Project. <br />• Section 5.0: Statement of Project Objectives, provides the statement of objective sought by the <br />Project. <br />2-38
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