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CNA CNA PARAMOUNT <br />Technology General Liability Extension Endorsement <br />The Named Insured must give the Insurer or the Insurer's authorized representative notice of an occurrence, <br />offense or claim only when the occurrence, offense or claim is known to a natural person Named Insured, to a <br />partner, executive officer, manager or member of a Named Insured, or to an employee designated by any of the <br />above to give such notice. <br />B. NOTICE OF OCCURRENCE <br />The Named Insured's rights under this Coverage Part will not be prejudiced if the Named Insured fails to give <br />the Insurer notice of an occurrence, offense or claim and that failure is solely due to the Named Insured's <br />reasonable belief that the bodily injury or property damage is not covered under this Coverage Part. However, <br />the Named Insured shall give written notice of such occurrence, offense or claim to the Insurer as soon as the <br />Named Insured is aware that this insurance may apply to such occurrence, offense or claim. <br />5. BROAD NAMED INSURED <br />WHO IS AN INSURED is amended to delete its Paragraph 3. in its entirety and replace it with the following: <br />3. Pursuant to the limitations described in Paragraph 4. below, any organization in which a Named Insured has <br />management control: <br />a. on the effective date of this Coverage Part; or <br />b. by reason of a Named Insured creating or acquiring the organization during the policy period, <br />qualifies as a Named Insured, provided that there is no other similar liability insurance, whether primary, <br />contributory, excess, contingent or otherwise, which provides coverage to such organization, or which would have <br />provided coverage but for the exhaustion of its limit, and without regard to whether its coverage is broader or <br />narrower than that provided by this insurance. <br />But this BROAD NAMED INSURED provision does not apply to: <br />(a) any partnership or joint venture; or <br />(b) any organization for which coverage is excluded by another endorsement attached to this Coverage Part <br />For the purpose of this provision, and of this endorsement's JOINT VENTURES / PARTNERSHIP / LIMITED <br />LIABILITY COMPANIES provision, management control means: <br />A. owning interests representing more than 50% of the voting, appointment or designation power for the <br />selection of a majority of the Board of Directors of a corporation, or the members of the management board of <br />a limited liability company; or <br />B. having the right, pursuant to a written trust agreement, to protect, control the use of, encumber or transfer or <br />sell property held by a trust. <br />4. With respect to organizations which qualify as Named Insureds by virtue of Paragraph 3. above, this insurance <br />does not apply to: <br />a. bodily injury or property damage that first occurred prior to the date of management control, or that first <br />occurs after management control ceases; nor <br />b. personal or advertising Injury caused by an offense that first occurred prior to the date of management <br />control or that first occurs after management control ceases. <br />S. The insurance provided by this Coverage Part applies to Named Insureds when trading under their own names <br />or under such other trading names or doing -business -as names (dba) as any Named Insured should choose to <br />employ. <br />KtV s WED & APPROVED <br />BY MANA EME <br />CNA74872XX (1-15) Policy No: 6023741069 <br />Page 6 of 14 AN 14 2020 Endorsement No: 4 <br />Nat'l Fire Ins Cc of Hartford Effective Date: 01/01/2020 <br />Insured Name: HAGERTY CONSULTING, INC. TTuu♦♦ �• <br />Copyright CNAAII Rights Reserved. Includes kkNd alms office. Inc., wih its permission. <br />