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EXHIBIT 1 <br />Actions taken to enhance coordination between public and private housing and social service <br />agencies. 91.220(k); 91,3200) <br />As in past years, Santa Ana made an effort to leverage federal funds with local and state funds to increase <br />and preserve the City's supply of affordable rental housing. After the dissolution of Redevelopment <br />Agencies in California, obtaining affordable housing resources has become more challenging; however, <br />the City continues to seek resources that can be used to further affordable housing opportunities. Several <br />affordable housing projects are moving forward currently in the City and three projects for <br />individuals/veterans experiencing homelessness using HOME and CDBG funds are in the pipeline. These <br />are examples of how the City is coordinating with private developers and social service agencies to create <br />affordable housing opportunities in Santa Ana. <br />The City's owner -occupied housing rehabilitation pr( <br />units occupied by lower income households. Furthi <br />moderate -income homebuyers were available J14 <br />Assistance Program. The City worked closely with I <br />the scattered site project where single family homes <br />restrict to income qualified householdfo_aperie <br />HousingAuthority r'e " " ty provided rental asslstanpe-Vouthe <br />in the Housing Authority's Family Self -Su i6i (5 <br />English, Spanish and Vietnaxrpg5Le on how to., ar( <br />been'ff-Strumental in preserving housing <br />ieowner _opportunities for low- and <br />City's participation irufthe City's Down Payment <br />*t for Humanity in comil1(ei:l g the last phase of <br />ete develd ffto be sold at affolydable price and to <br />fi <br />of aT-f AU745 years. Additionally, the Santa Ana <br />to extrertlelt!„low income households. Participants <br />ogram werg pr�also referred to classes (available in <br />-imCity staff met regularryin `iith pubhMearnd private b'g ations to'T"" dinate various efforts. The City's <br />law <br />relationship with non prof1f_-wrganizativns in the community allowed for an integrated approach for <br />funding requests from local, Mate and fedora] agencles The City worked with nonprofits as they applied <br />forfundsforagtI itigsconsistentsuit theob'jec)ivesintWConsolidatedPlan. The City also communicated <br />_ t W <br />with vawdUs'institutions ro facilitate the exchange information and to develop strategies to provide <br />Homeless needs and priorities continue to be identified through the County's CoC. The City consults with <br />the County and localTSG entitle ment•grantees in regard to the use of new ESG funds. On -going meetings <br />are held to coordinate the devefooment of eligibility criteria, performance standards and outcome <br />measurements, as well as td establish funding, policies, and procedures for the operation and <br />administration of the Homel6eManagement Information System (HMIS). <br />CAPER <br />23 <br />OMB Control No: 2506-0117(exp. O613O/2O18) 75A-29 <br />