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EXHIBIT 1 <br />CR-50 - HOME 91.520(d) <br />Include the results of on -site inspections of affordable rental housing assisted under the <br />program to determine compliance with housing codes and other applicable regulations. Please <br />list those projects that should have been inspected on -site this program year based upon the <br />schedule In §92.504(d). Indicate which of these were Inspected and a summary of issues that <br />were detected during the inspection. For those that were not Inspected, please Indicate the <br />reason and how you will remedy the situation. <br />The City of Santa Ana conducts onsite inspections of HOME-assisia2'dhrgntal units during the required <br />affordability period to determine compliance with HUD proper,,y j;ta�ndards in accordance with 24 CFR <br />92.251. HOME -assisted rental projects with one to four unitsaCe inspected every three years, projects <br />with five to 25 units are inspected every two years, anchr�jects with 26 ar more units are inspected <br />annually. For the 2018-19 fiscal year, 211 units outnf $6 units were inspected. Of those units <br />inspected, a total of 123 units had deficiencies ob ;k'ved, of which 122 unnsWfirected the deficiencies at <br />re -inspection. Issues detected during the inspection ncluded general deferrer Wintenance repairs to <br />the unit exteriors. <br />One unit with Orange County CommunitVe i(sIh Corporatio n,t CCHC) has not passed <br />inspection. Deficiencies include deferred m�{'e�LRaintenance; and he ltf ,.and safety issues in the interior and <br />-.. <br />exterior of the units. The OqCHQ is still m the process bf respondingWilre deficiencies that were <br />identified from this fiscal.veara`n IeJnsoectionsare oneoin2 � e; <br />The condos owned by the Civic CenteFBarrio Housing orporation (CCBHC) fall outside the HOME <br />compliance period. Howeve the CitVAll inspects A! KOME assisted units. Multiple issues of deferred <br />mamtenapeelofli . hit exterors-.were ide"ntittfred dune ifte inspections. The CCBHC is still in the <br />-tea <br />process orje`sponding tbthe deficripcigs that were r3't?ntified from this fiscal year and re -inspections are <br />A list of propertiesisrlocated as` filattachment with other reports. <br />Provide an assessment of the jurisdiction's affirmative marketing actions for HOME units. <br />92.351(b) <br />The City's affirmative marketing procedures and requirements apply to rental and homebuyer projects <br />containing 5 or more HOME or CDBG-assisted housing. These procedures and requirements do not apply <br />to families with Section 8 tenant -based rental housing assistance or families with tenant -based rental <br />N7_UZ <br />27 <br />OMBContraI No: 2506-0117 ("P. 06/30/2018) <br />75A-33 <br />