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EXHIBIT 1 <br />Refer to IDIS reports to describe the amount and use of program income for projects, including <br />the number of projects and owner and tenant characteristics <br />IDIS reports PR09— Program Income Summary and PR 23-Summary of Accomplishments for information <br />demonstrate the amount and use of program income for projects, including the number of projects and <br />owner and tenant characteristics. <br />Describe other actions taken to foster and maintain : <br />ONLY: Including the coordination of LIHTC with the <br />91.3200) <br />The following actions have also been taken to <br />Ana: <br />• An RFP for affordable <br />HOME Program funds, <br />vouchers. <br />• Approval of a pre -loan <br />of an 89-unit aff6rdaj <br />services for c'T <br />FI<F�D�V'etel <br />North HarborVlllge; <br />• Approval of a loan 9grf <br />the development <br />housing. 91.220(k) (STATES <br />ent of affordable housing). <br />housing in Santa <br />by the City incluc(i`ng $2,791,960 in <br />Id 100 project -based veterans affairs <br />s gram funds for the development <br />e'2 with wrap -around supportive <br />eligible homeless veterans at the <br />Program funds for the development of the <br />• Approval of a=AMendmenf o the loan agreement for an additional $407,871 in expiring HOME <br />Prs?gramfunds forthedevelopn&ntof57affo dablehousingunitsattheSantaAnaArtsCollective <br />of Which 8 units are HQQE asslsted.units. <br />Lxdsm. <br />• Appram of a commit' ` to rests rdinate existing HOME Program loans to allow for the <br />resyndlcat@ and rehabilffiltion of a 126-unit project at the Cornerstone Apartments. <br />Magi <br />• Provided five dawn paymdri assistance workshops and participated in two homebuyer fairs, <br />• Application suppgrt forbe submittal of proposals for LIHTC, AHSC and MHP financing was <br />WY <br />provided to the North Har'Eor Village, Aqua Housing and Legacy Square projects. <br />Currently there are three HOME and CD8G funded affordable housing projects under development that <br />will provide 221 units, and an additional three projects funded with project -based vouchers under <br />development that will provide 164 units. <br />CAPER 29 <br />OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/20181 <br />75A-35 <br />