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F. On September 3, 2019, the City Council of the City of Santa Ana held a <br />duly noticed public hearing to consider all testimony, written and oral, <br />related to General Plan Amendment No. 2018-04 for the Seventeenth and <br />Tustin annexation project, at which time all persons wishing to testify were <br />heard, the project was fully considered, and all other legal prerequisites to <br />the adoption of this Resolution occurred. <br />G. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (Pub. Res. Code sec. <br />21000 et seq.; "CEQA"), and the State CEQA Guidelines, the City has <br />determined that a Categorical Exemption will be filed for the proposed <br />project. <br />In conjunction with the City's CEQA determination regarding the annexation, <br />the County of Orange has completed a negative declaration (ND) for the two <br />developments. The ND will identify any potential impacts to the environment <br />and identify mitigation measures to reduce or eliminate the impacts. The <br />lead agency for the ND is the County of Orange. <br />H. General Plan Amendment No. 2018-04 has been filed to amend the General <br />Plan to change the land use designation of certain parcels located in the <br />Seventeenth and Tustin County island boundaries. The proposed land use <br />designations will be consistent with the current land uses and proposed pre - <br />zoning designations of the annexation project area. The amendments will <br />pre -designate properties located in the annexation area as Low -Density <br />Residential (LR-7), Medium -Density Residential (MR-15), or General <br />Commercial (GC) as shown on Exhibit 1, attached hereto and incorporated <br />herein by reference. <br />I. The City Council has weighed and balanced the General Plan's policies, <br />both old and new, and has determined that based upon this balancing that <br />General Plan Amendment No. 2018-04 is consistent with the purpose of the <br />General Plan, <br />Section 2. CEQA Compliance. In accordance with the California <br />Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the State CEQA Guidelines, a categorical <br />exemption will be filed for this project pursuant to section 15319. This Class 19 <br />exemption applies to projects involving annexation of existing facilities and lots for <br />exempt facilities such as public and private structures developed to the density allowed <br />by the pre -zoning of the City. The proposed annexation area is developed to the <br />density allowed by the current zoning or pre -zoning, with the extension of utility services <br />having the capacity to serve only the existing facilities. More specifically, the proposed <br />annexation will consist of the 24.78-acre parcels of land in its entirety that includes <br />private residential and commercial structures as well as three vacant parcels of land <br />that are located at the southwest section of the annexation area. As the annexation <br />area is developed to the density allowed by both the current zoning of the County and <br />the pre -zoning designations proposed by the City, and no new utility services are <br />proposed for the existing structures within the annexation area as part of this project, <br />Resolution No. 2019-xx <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />75C-40 <br />