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additional business license tax liabilities have accrued subsequent to the date of <br />application, the collector shall give notice to the operator/owner, transferor, or <br />successor of the applicable amount which must be fully paid as a condition of issuing <br />their respective certificate of nonliability. Where a transferor's business license tax <br />liabilities have been partially or wholly paid by their successor to the collector <br />pursuant to subsection (e) or partially or wholly satisfied by their successor's action <br />of withholding and depositing amounts with the collector pursuant to subsection (d), <br />no certificate of nonliability shall be issued to the transferor without the prior written <br />consent of their successor. <br />Section 10. Section 21-142 of Article XIII of Chapter 21 of the Santa Ana <br />Municipal Code, is hereby added to read as follows: <br />Sec. 21-142. Vertical and horizontal integration of commercial cannabis business <br />licensees —Defined. <br />The terms vertical integration and horizontal integration as used in this Article shall have <br />the following meanings: Vertical integration shall refer to cannabis businesses operating <br />at different points in the same supply chain from cultivation to retail sales, as long as they <br />share at least 80% underlying common ownership, regardless of form of business <br />structure, and are engaged in interparty sales and/or transfers of goods. Horizontal <br />integration shall refer to cannabis businesses operating at the same point in the same <br />supply chain, as long as they share at least 80% underlying common ownership, <br />regardless of form of business structure, and are engaged in interparty sales and/or <br />transfers of goods. For purposes of this Article the term "cannabis businesses" shall <br />include medicinal marijuana collectives/cooperatives as defined in section 18-611 and <br />commercial cannabis businesses as defined in section 40-2, but shall not include <br />commercial cannabis businesses engaged in testing facilities or testing laboratory <br />businesses. <br />Section 11. Section 21-80 of Article VI I of Chapter 21 of the Santa Ana Municipal <br />Code is hereby amended to read in full as follows: <br />Sec. 21-80. - Same —Not conclusive; audit of books. <br />No statement shall be conclusive as to the matters set forth therein, nor shall the filing of <br />the same preclude the city from collecting by appropriate action such sum as is actually <br />due and payable hereunder. Such statement and each of the several items therein <br />contained shall be subject to audit and verification by the collector, his or her revenue <br />officers, or duly authorized employees or agents of the City, who are hereby authorized <br />to examine, audit, and inspect such books and records of any licensee or applicant for <br />license, as may be necessary in theirjudgment to verify or ascertain the amount of license <br />fee due. <br />21 <br />11 A-47 <br />