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55, 21-58, 21-59, 21-60, 21-80, 21-136 or upon conditions set forth in any written <br />agreement executed pursuant to Section 21-83. <br />Provided further, that unless revocation is made upon conditions set forth in a <br />written agreement executed pursuant to Section 21-83 or upon licensee's failure to <br />comply with the requirements of Section 21-136, no licensee's business license shall be <br />suspended and/or revoked for failure to pay any annual business license tax as set forth <br />in this Chapter, or any monthly business license tax as set forth in Article XII or Article <br />XIII of this Chapter, or any other amount due pursuant to this Chapter until the penalties <br />accruing for such failure to pay, exclusive of interest, have attained the maximum <br />applicable amount permissible under the terms of this Chapter. Whereupon, the collector <br />shall give a notice of suspension, which notice shall specify the grounds for suspension, <br />and which notice shall be given by personal service or by depositing it in the United States <br />post office in the city, postage prepaid, addressed to the licensee at the address listed on <br />the application of the licensee where he or she consented to receive mail concerning his <br />or her license, to obtain a license or to pay any license tax due or the address listed on <br />the most recent business license renewal affidavit or business license amendment <br />statement; and/or conspicuously posting said notice upon the premises of the business. <br />Service of notice shall be deemed completed upon the date of personal service of said <br />notice, or the date of mailing of said notice, or the date of actual posting of said notice on <br />the premises of the licensee whichever occurs first. <br />In the event said licensee fails, within a period of thirty (30) days' notice, to pay the <br />business license tax due or any other amount due pursuant to this Chapter, or to request <br />a hearing the procedure for which shall be as provided in Section 21-41, then and in that <br />event the collector shall give a notice of revocation. The licensee shall be given at least <br />ten (10) days' notice, which notice shall specify the grounds for revocation, and which <br />notice shall be given pursuant to the hereinabove set forth procedure for giving notice. <br />In the event said licensee fails within the allotted ten (10) day period to request a <br />hearing to show cause why his or her business license should not be revoked, then and <br />in that event the collector shall revoke said person's license and give notice thereof to <br />said person pursuant to the hereinabove set forth procedure for giving notice. <br />In the event said licensee fails to file within ten (10) days thereafter, an appeal <br />pursuant to Chapter 3 of this Code, then the collector's action in revoking said person's <br />business license shall be conclusive as to all matters involved, and the transacting and <br />carrying on by any person of any business pursuant to said license shall thereafter be <br />deemed a misdemeanor. <br />Section 14. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or <br />portion of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the <br />decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity <br />`zI <br />11 A-50 <br />