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single RSP that lists any and all approved cannabis business <br />activity/activities may be renewed annually thereafter. <br />2. New non -retail commercial cannabis applicants wishing to co -locate <br />additional non -retail (cultivation, distribution, and/or manufacturing) uses <br />may submit a single RSP for the proposed activity or activities. The RSP <br />application must meet any applicable requirements of the RSP as outlined <br />in Sections 40-8 and 40-9. A single RSP that lists any and all approved <br />cannabis business activity/activities may be renewed annually thereafter. <br />4. Regulatory Safety Permit Annual Renewal. <br />Applications for the renewal of a permit shall be filed with the Director of <br />Planning and Building or designee(s) at least sixty (60) calendar days before <br />the expiration of the current permit. Temporary permits will not be issued. Any <br />permittee allowing their permit to lapse or which permit expired during a <br />suspension shall be required to submit a new application, pay the <br />corresponding original application fees and be subject to all aspects of the <br />selection process. <br />b. Any person desiring to obtain a renewal of their respective permit shall file a <br />written application under penalty of perjury on the required form with the <br />Director of Planning and Building or his or her designee(s) who will conduct a <br />review. The application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable filing fee <br />established by the City Council to defray the cost of the review required by this <br />article. An applicant shall be required to update the information contained in <br />their original permit application and provide any new and/or additional <br />information as may be reasonably required by the Director of Planning and <br />Building or designee(s) in order to determine whether said permit should be <br />renewed based on compliance with all applicable provisions of the Santa Ana <br />Municipal Code. <br />5. Appeal of Denial of Regulatory Safety Permit/Denial of RSP Renewal. The City <br />Manager or his or her designee(s) will review all Regulatory Safety Permit <br />applications and renewal requests, along with all other relevant information, and <br />determine if a RSP should be granted and/or renewed based on compliance with all <br />applicable provisions of the Santa Ana Municipal Code. If the City Manager <br />determines that the permit shall not be granted and/or renewed, the reasons for <br />denial shall be provided in writing to the applicant. No such denial shall become <br />effective until the applicant for the regulatory safety permit and/or renewal has been <br />notified in writing by certified mail of the right to appeal the denial decision pursuant <br />to the provisions of Chapter 3 of this Code. If a timely appeal is filed, the denial shall <br />be effective only upon decision of a hearing officer as provided for in Chapter 3 of <br />the Santa Ana Municipal Code. Otherwise, the denial shall become effective after <br />the timely appeal period has passed. The matter may be subject to judicial review <br />under the provisions of California Code of Civil Procedure Sections 1094.5 and <br />1094.6. <br />Sec. 40-9.1. - Non -retail commercial cannabis business (cultivation, <br />manufacturing, distribution, and testing facility/laboratory) selection process. <br />25 <br />11 B-24 <br />