herbicide the Contractor shall continuously apply post emergent herbicides to eradicate
<br />all turf of turf and broadleaf weeds. Following the eradication of turf type weeds the
<br />Contractor shall overseed with Stovers Bermuda Dunes at two (2) pounds per 1,000
<br />square feet (spring/summer) and Simplot Jacklin Seed Company CSI Perennial Rye at
<br />three (3) pounds per 1,000 square feet and Stovers Seed Company Bermuda Dunes seed
<br />at two (2) pounds per 1,000 square feet.
<br />6.2 Disease and Pest Control
<br />The Contractor shall inspect on a daily basis in the morning all landscaped areas (turf,
<br />trees, shrubs, ground cover, and annual color) for presence of disease, insect, rodent
<br />infestation or any other pests. If any pests, such as but not limited to, disease, insect,
<br />algae, birds, animals, such as rabbits, rats, squirrels, or rodent infestation (rodents
<br />including rats, gophers, moles, voles, etc.) is discovered, it shall immediately be
<br />controlled by the Contractor Qualified Applicator sub -contractor or QAL/QAC at his/her
<br />expense using the safest and most expedient method. Note that rodents, such as rats, if
<br />found in the landscape, regardless of whether or not they inhabit adjacent buildings, are
<br />considered agricultural pests and shall be treated as a part of this agreement.
<br />The Contractor is responsible for inspecting all plant material on a continuous basis and,
<br />as necessary, treating plant material to maintain optimum health of the plants. If any
<br />plant material (turf, groundcover, shrubs, trees) dies for any reason the Contractor will be
<br />required to replace the plant with like species and size at no extra cost to the City. In the
<br />case where turf is lost due to pest damage, the Contractors shall replace the area of turf
<br />lost with thick cut West Coast Turf Bandera Bermuda (during spring/summer) and thick
<br />cut West Coast Turf Bandera Bermuda that has been cropped over with Perennial Rye
<br />grass (during fall/winter).
<br />7.0 General Maintenance and Clean -Up
<br />The Contractor shall clean and maintain all site amenities, walls, planters, raised curbing, railing,
<br />exterior of buildings, light standards, patios, walkways and pedestrian paved areas free of debris,
<br />slap tags, tape, string, nails, push pins, wire, etc, Monday through Sunday
<br />The Contractor shall establish a Trash Crew to blow down all paved areas, pick-up trash/debris
<br />and to empty trash receptacles daily. Vacuums, blowers, sweepers, shovels or other approved
<br />equipment may be used to clean hardscape areas. Debris shall not be blown or swept onto
<br />adjacent planters, streets or property. All debris must be thoroughly cleaned and picked
<br />up/removed from the site.
<br />All trash and debris (twigs, branches, sand, gravel, rook, wood chips, glass, metal, paper, etc.) on
<br />the ground or in trash receptacles shall be blown-off/removed from all worksites landscaped and
<br />paved areas each day Monday through Sunday before 12:00 p.m. This includes all landscape
<br />areas, paved areas, street curb gutters, Stadium parking lot and grounds. The Contractor shall not
<br />blow broken glass or any other potentially hazardous materials into landscape areas. Trash shall
<br />consist of all items 80 lbs. or less, All trash receptacles and lids shall be wiped clean with a
<br />germicidal product.
<br />All non -pedestrian pavement, curb top/bottom, gutters, etc, shall be thoroughly cleaned once per
<br />City of Santa Ana RFP 16-063
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