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NOTICE TO CLEAN PREMISES <br />NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the owner, manager, occupants, or persons having <br />charge or control of the property located at <br />2900 South Flower Street (Railroad X-ing # 761682L) <br />that the condition(s) of: RUBBISH and GARBAGE exists/ exist upon the property which <br />is/ are in violation of Article III, Chapter 16 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code, which provides <br />for the elimination of rubbish, garbage, noxious or dangerous growths, growing upon or <br />accumulated upon or in front of property, obstructing the use of sidewalks, parkways or <br />streets or dangerous or injurious to neighboring property or the health and welfare of <br />residents in the vicinity. <br />The said condition(s) must abated on or before June 7, 2019. If not abated on or before <br />said date, the City of Santa Ana may abate the condition(s) or cause it to be abated and <br />the costs thereof will be assessed against the land and become a lien thereon. <br />Any person objecting to the abatement work specified in this notice may appeal by filing <br />a written statement of such objection, specifying the address or description of the property <br />concerned, the reasons for objection, and the name, address, phone number (if any) and <br />status (owner, manager, tenant, lessee, or other) of the person making the objection. All <br />such statements must be filed with the Clerk of the Council, City Hall, 20 Civic Center <br />Plaza, P.O. Box 1988, Santa Ana, California, not later than the date for abatement set <br />forth hereinabove. <br />Dated and Posted June 7, 2019 By Alvaro Nunez <br />Code Enforcement Division <br />PHONE: 714-667-2780 <br />CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION I PLANNING & BUILDING AGENCY <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA 120 CIVIC CENTER PLACE (M-19) <br />POST OFFICE BOX 1988 1 SANTA ANA, CA. 92702 <br />714.667.27801 <br />75B-56 <br />