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request for an appraisal of the loss. If the request is <br />accepted, each party will select a competent and <br />impartial appraiser. Each party shall notify the other <br />of the appraiser selected within 20 days of the <br />request. The two appraisers will select an umpire. If <br />they cannot agree within 15 days, either may <br />request that selection be made by a judge of a court <br />having jurisdiction. The appraisers will state <br />separately the value of the property and amount of <br />loss. If they fail to agree, they will submit their <br />differences to the umpire. A decision agreed to by <br />any two will be binding. Each party will: <br />a. Pay its chosen appraiser; and <br />b. Bear the other expenses of the appraisal and <br />umpire equally. <br />If there is an appraisal, we will still retain our right to <br />deny the claim. <br />H. With respect to an "Open Policy", the Loss <br />Payment Condition of the Standard and Special <br />Property Form is amended by the following: <br />1. Paragraph 5.d.(1).(b). of the Loss Payment <br />condition is deleted and replaced by: <br />We will not pay on a replacement cost basis for <br />any loss or damage until the lost or damaged <br />property is actually repaired or replaced, and <br />then only subject to deduction for depreciation. <br />Prior to such repair or replacement, and in <br />accordance with the terms applicable Loss <br />Payment conditions in this policy, we will pay the <br />actual cash value of the lost or damaged <br />property as described in this endorsement. If the <br />actual cash value does not exhaust the <br />applicable Limit of Insurance, we will then pay <br />the difference between the actual cash value <br />and the replacement cost, provided that the <br />repair or replacement is completed: <br />a. Within 12 months after our payment of the <br />actual cash value; or <br />b. Within 24 months after our payment of the <br />actual cash value if the loss or damage <br />relates to a state of emergency as described <br />in Section 8558 of the Government Code; <br />unless we extend the time period for good <br />cause. <br />The foregoing provisions do not constitute a <br />waiver of our right to deny the claim for any valid <br />reason or to restrict payment in cases of <br />suspected fraud. <br />Page 4of4 <br />2. Actual cash value is determined as follows: <br />a. In the event of a total loss to a building or <br />structure, actual cash value is calculated as <br />the Limit of Insurance applicable to that <br />building or structure or the fair market value <br />of the building or structure, which ever is <br />less. <br />b. In the event of a partial loss to a building or <br />structure, actual cash value is calculated as <br />shown below, which ever is less: <br />(1) The amount it would cost to repair, <br />rebuild or replace the property less a fair <br />and reasonable deduction for physical <br />depreciation of the components of the <br />building or structure that are normally <br />subject to repair or replacement during <br />its useful life. Physical depreciation is <br />based upon the condition of the property <br />at the time of the loss; <br />(2) The limit of Insurance applicable to the <br />property. <br />c. In the event of a partial or total loss to <br />Covered Property other than a building or <br />structure, actual cash value is calculated as <br />the lesser of the following: <br />(1) The amount it would cost to repair or <br />replace the property less a fair and <br />reasonable deduction for physical <br />depreciation, based on the condition of <br />the property at the time of loss; or <br />(2) The Limit of Insurance applicable to the <br />property. <br />3. An "Open Policy" is a policy under which the <br />value of Covered Property is not fixed at policy <br />inception, but is determined at the time of loss in <br />accordance with policy provisions on valuation. <br />The term 'open policy" does not apply to <br />Covered Property that is subject to an Agreed <br />Value clause or similar clause that establishes <br />an agreed value prior to loss, unless such <br />clause has expired. <br />*V41 <br />Form SS 01 21 03 17 <br />