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Board are the Local Workforce Development Boards for the ORPU. The Local Boards will utilize the region's One - <br />Stop Systems to augment delivery of services to program participants. <br />• Representatives of State Parole offices for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation: The <br />Division of Adult Parole Operations (DAPO), Southern Region, as well as Workforce Innovation and Opportunity <br />Act (WIOA) programs strategies are available to this population. DAPO staff will cooperate with Reentry <br />Navigators to ensure parolees (Justice Involved) are referred to and have relevant information available to progress <br />through training, educational and job opportunities. The leveraged contribution to this project will be staff time and <br />delivery of program services. <br />• Community Based Organizations (CBOs): <br />a. Working Wardrobes has served the justice -involved population for over 25 years, and has successfully <br />developed curriculum targeted specifically to the incarcerated, recently released, and both in -and out -of - <br />custody job seekers. For this initiative, Working Wardrobes will provide case management, workforce <br />readiness training, job training, and soft skills modules to assist the men and women with multiple barriers <br />to employment. They will also offer job development services and placement assistance with numerous <br />employer partners. <br />b. Project Kinship serves as a convener of community resources, and advocates for the health, mental health, <br />and well-being of the reentry population. Project Kinship offers prevention, intervention, and treatment <br />programming; and advocates for system solutions to flip the school -to -prison into the prison -to -career <br />pipeline. The proposed program will serve as a natural continuation of Project Kinship's workforce <br />development and education programs, including restorative practices; job training and vocational support <br />services; and case management services offered to individuals with histories of gang and/or justice system <br />involvement. The main objectives of Prison to Employment Initiative (P2E) are: 1) career planning, work <br />readiness skill building, training, and certifications; 2) job development, intensive case management, and <br />peer mentoring; 3) education enrollment and retention; 4) civic opportunities and leadership development; <br />and 5) incentives, training stipends, paid work experience, and other supportive services. <br />c. Chrysalis has introduced a model for workforce development to assist criminal justice -involved <br />individuals' transition into permanent employment to accomplish the goal of self-sufficiency. Chrysalis has <br />developed a social enterprise that provides transitional employment for those with severe barriers to <br />employment, including individuals in the criminal justice system. As part of the proposed partnership, <br />Chrysalis agrees to provide the following services to eligible participants: one-on-one case management <br />focused on securing employment; job readiness classes; resume preparation; and interview skills training. <br />The organization would like to offer supportive service resources related to participants' job search, <br />including interview clothing, transportation assistance, computer lab access, and phone bank use. <br />Transitional job opportunities are offered throughout Chrysalis' program. <br />d. The ORPU is a member of the Orange County Reentry Partnership (OCREP) this committee is a linkage <br />of CBOs and advocates which function together to serve as a link between community resource providers <br />and justice involved individuals striving to re-establish healthy, productive, and rewarding lives. <br />• Orange County Probation Department and Community Corrections Partnership: The Chief Probation Officer of <br />Orange County also chairs the Orange County Community Corrections Partnership (OCCCP) under the authority <br />of Section 1230(b)(2) of the California Penal Code. OC Probation will provide office space, telephone service, <br />referrals and work in tandem with Orange County Reentry Navigators. <br />• Orange County Sheriffs Department (OCSD): The OCSD will incorporate the P2E project in the jails to screen <br />eligible candidates. The OC Region operated a jail -based AJCC within the Central Women's Jail and the Theo Lacy <br />Jail, funded by the Department of Labor. LEAP 1 and LEAP 2 programs supported recidivism reduction by offering <br />workforce training and development. <br />• Labor Organizations and joint labor-management partnerships: Labor Organizations will provide apprenticeships <br />and hiring opportunities for the formerly incarcerated and other justice -involved individuals. <br />• Employers: Employers will provide subsidize and unsubsidized employment opportunities for justice -involved <br />individuals. <br />25A-46 <br />