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EXHIBIT 1 <br />ARTICLE 9-CONDEMNATION <br />Total Condemnation <br />Section 9.01. If, during the term of this lease, fee title to all of the Premises or to all of <br />the improvements, including significant improvements, or the entire leasehold estate of District <br />is taken under the power of eminent domain by an public or quasi -public agency or entity <br />("total taking"), this lease shall terminate as of 12:01 a.m. on whichever of the following occurs <br />first: (1) the date legal title becomes vested in the agency or entity exercising the power of <br />eminent domain; or (2) the date actual physical possession is taken by the agency or entity <br />exercising the power of eminent domain. Thereafter, both City and District shall be released <br />from all obligations under this lease, except those specified in Section 9.05. <br />Partial Taking -Improvements <br />Section 9.02. If at anytime during the term of this lease a taking occurs that is less than <br />a total taking and affects the rentable portion of the improvements on the Premises, all <br />compensation and damages payable for that taking shall be made available to and used, to the <br />extent reasonably needed, by District to repair any portion of the remaining rentable portion of <br />the Improvements damaged by the taking and to replace the rentable portion of the <br />Improvements taken with other new rentable space on the portion of the Premises not taken, <br />provided that replacement is then permitted by existing law. Plans and specifications for the <br />replacement rental space must be compatible, in terms of architecture and quality of <br />construction, with the Improvements not taken and must be first approved in writing by City. <br />Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section, if the rentable portion of the <br />Improvements taken by eminent domain results in a net loss of fifty percent (50%) or more of <br />the area of the Premises that can, after considering any replacement rentable space that can be <br />lawfully constructed on the remaining portion of the Premises and paid for by the <br />condemnation proceeds, be devoted to rentable space as compared with the area devoted to <br />that rentable space immediately before the taking, District may terminate this lease in the <br />manner prescribed in Section 9.03 of this lease. Moreover, the District may also terminate this <br />lease in the manner prescribed in Section 9.03 if, in the District's reasonable opinion, the <br />number of parking spaces taken by eminent domain deprives the Premises of sufficient parking <br />necessary for the operation of the college upon the Premises. <br />Termination for Partial Taking <br />Section 9.03. District may terminate this lease for the reasons stated in Section 9.02 of <br />this lease, by serving written notice of termination on City within sixty (60) days after District <br />has received from City or from the condemning authority written notice of an intended taking <br />that sets forth the extent and scope of the intended taking. If District elects to terminate this <br />lease, the effective date of the termination shall be the earlier of (1) the date of termination <br />#iznazVz <br />75B-18 <br />