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EXHIBIT 1 <br />GROUND LEASE WITH RANCHO SANTIAGO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FOR A PORTION <br />OF CENTENNIAL PARK KNOWN AS THE SANTA ANA COLLEGE -SCHOOL OF CONTINUING <br />EDUCATION <br />Preamble and Recitals <br />This lease is entered into on October 15, 2019 by and between, Rancho Santiago <br />Community College District ("District") and the City of Santa Ana, a municipal corporation of the <br />State of California ("City"). Collectively referred to as "the Parties." <br />A. City if the owner of real property in the City of Santa Ana, County of Orange, <br />State of California, commonly known as the Santa Ana College -School of <br />Continuing Education located at City's Centennial Park ("Park") at 2900 West <br />Edinger Avenue, in Santa Ana, California described on Exhibit "A," which is <br />attached and made part of this lease (referred to in this lease as "the Premises"). <br />B. District desires to lease the Premises for the purpose of operating an educational <br />center. <br />C. District previously operated its education center at the property pursuant to a <br />license agreement between the parties. Said license agreement began on <br />November 5, 1979 and included District erecting buildings on the Premises <br />owned by the City. Said license agreement will expire upon the Commencement <br />Date of this lease. <br />D. The Parties agree that this lease is conditioned upon District making <br />improvements, including significant improvements, for the public benefit, to the <br />Premises during the term of this lease. <br />E. The Parties agree that this lease is conditioned upon the National Park Service's <br />approval of the lease or approval of a land conversion related to deed <br />restrictions on the property. <br />ARTICLE 1: LEASE OF PREMISES AND TERM OF LEASE <br />Agreement to Lease <br />Section 1.01. For and in consideration of the fees to be paid and covenants to be <br />performed by District under the lease, City agrees to lease the Premises to District, and District <br />agrees to lease the Premises from City, on the terms and conditions set forth in this lease. <br />Except as expressly otherwise provided in this lease, "the Premises" includes the real property <br />plus any appurtenances and easements described in Exhibit "A" of this lease, including any and <br />all improvements now or subsequently located on the Premises, notwithstanding that any <br />Improvements may or shall be construed as affixed to and as constituting part of the described <br />Premises, and without regard to whether ownership of the Improvements is in City or District. <br />#iznazVz <br />75B-4 <br />