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I <br />A <br />3 <br />4 <br />5 <br />6 <br />7 <br />8 <br />9 <br />10 <br />11 <br />12 <br />13 <br />14 <br />15 <br />and the State CEQA Guidelines, the MND adequately addresses the expected environmental <br />impacts of this [Original] [P]roject." <br />75. On or about May 20, 2019, Real Parties in Interest applied for, and Respondents <br />issued, a demolition permit for the demolition of the restaurant building on 301 N. Tustin Avenue. <br />The demolition occurred in approximately June 2019 and has since been completed. <br />76. On September 10, 2019, Respondents filed and posted the NOE (Notice of <br />Environmental Review No. 2019-69), which states the "project" is categorially <br />exempt from CEQA review pursuant to Section t5332 of the CEQA Guidelines, as in -fill <br />development project. In the NOE, Respondents now define the "proposed project" as: <br />"Demolition of the existing service station, car wash and convenience store to construct a new <br />service station with 3,040-square foot convenience store and new automated car wash." <br />77. The "project" as defined in the NOE deviates significantly from the Original <br />Project, for which the Initial Study, MND and MMRP were adopted. The revised "project" adds <br />the following: (1) Application for Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-30 to allow a car wash on 301 <br />Tustin Avenue; (2) Application for Amendment to Variance No. 2018-10 to allow a reduction <br />16 II in the City's yard standards for 301 N. Tustin Avenue because Variance No. 2018-10 only applied <br />17 to 325 N. Tustin Avenue — the retail/restaurant development on 301 N. Tustin Avenue did not <br />18 require a variance; and (3) Application for Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-31 to allow a <br />19 convenience store to operate 24 hours a day. The project location is identified in the NOE as 301 <br />20 N. Tustin Avenue and 325 N. Tustin Avenue, which are now referenced as within "the General <br />21 Commercial (C2) zone." <br />22 78. Respondents improperly omit the following major components of the Original <br />23 Project from the revised project description: (1) General plan amendment No. 2018-05 to change <br />24 the designation of the 301 N. Tustin Avenue, 431 N. Tustin Avenue, and 2321 East Fourth Street <br />25 to General Commercial; (2) Zoning Amendment Application No. 2018-08 to change the zoning of <br />26 the properties at 301 N. Tustin Avenue, 325 N. Tustin Avenue, 401 N. Tustin Avenue, and 2320 <br />27 East Fourth Street to C2; (3) the retail and restaurant development on 301 N. Tustin Avenue; (4) <br />28 Variance No. 2018-10 to allow a reduction in the City's yard standards; and (5) demolition of the <br />24 <br />