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4.8 Noise <br />4.8 NOISE <br />This FIR section evaluates the potential effects of noise and groundborne vibration associated with <br />construction and operational activities that could occur as a result of implementation of the proposed <br />Transit Zoning Code (SD 84A and SD 8413) area. The Initial Study (Appendix A) identified the potential <br />for impacts to occur associated with a substantial temporary and/or permanent increase in ambient noise <br />levels within or around the Transit Zoning Code (SD 84A and SD 8413) area. Additionally, the Initial <br />Study identified the potential for people to be exposed to excessive noise levels, groundborne vibration, <br />or groundborne noise levels in excess of standards established in the local General Plan or noise <br />ordinance. Potential direct and indirect impacts resulting from construction and operation of the <br />proposed projects are identified, and potential mitigation measures that could avoid or reduce these <br />impacts are recommended, where feasible. <br />Issues scoped out include proximity to, or association with, an airport land use plan or airstrip. While the <br />proposed project area is located outside of the 20,000-foot notification area as required by the Orange <br />County Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC), the project must still comply with the Airport Environs <br />Element that was adopted by the City of Santa Ana in 2008, in order to comply with the Airport <br />Environs Land Use Plan (AELUP) for Orange County. Refer to Chapter 4.5 (Hazards and Hazardous <br />Materials) for analysis of this issue. Data used to prepare this report were taken from the Traffic Impact <br />Analysis Report prepared by KOA Corporation for the proposed project, and information obtained by <br />measuring and modeling existing and future noise levels at the Transit Zoning Code (SD 84A and <br />SD 84B) area and in the surrounding area. <br />Three comment letters associated with noise were received in response to the Notice of Preparation <br />circulated for the proposed project. The comment letters can be found in Appendix A. <br />4.8.1 Existing Conditions <br />The project is located in the central urban core of Santa Ana and comprises approximately 100 blocks <br />and 450 acres of land. The proposed project is generally bounded by First Street, Flower Street, Civic <br />Center Drive, Grand Avenue, and Interstate 5 (I-5). More specifically, the proposed project is located in <br />the area west of I-5, north of First Street, and between Grand Avenue and Flower Street and south of <br />Civic Center Drive in the City of Santa Ana in Orange County, California. <br />Several roadways provide access to properties within the Transit Zoning Code (SD 84A and SD 8413) <br />area, including Civic Center Drive, Fourth Street, First Street, and Santa Ana Boulevard, which run east - <br />west through the area, and Flower Street, Main Street and Grand Avenue, which run north -south <br />through the area. <br />The Transit Zoning Code (SD 84A and SD 8413) area includes the Government Center, downtown area, <br />the Logan and Lacy neighborhoods, and the industrial parks surrounding the Santa Ana Regional <br />Transportation Center (SARTC). The surrounding land uses include residential, professional, <br />City of Santa Ana Transit Zoning Code (SD 84A and SD 84B) EIR 4.8-1 <br />