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County on Wednesday, January 23, 2019, (Photo by Bill <br />Alkofer, Contributing Photographer) <br />By ALICIA ROBINSON I I The <br />Orange County Register <br />PUBLISHED: April 24, 2019 at 8:00 am I UPDATED: May 7, <br />2019at8:12am <br />In what may be the most accurate count of Orange <br />County's homeless population ever, there's a significant <br />uptick in the number of people without a permanent <br />home, but the data released today, April 24, also shows <br />more than twice as many homeless people in shelters <br />now versus two years ago. <br />Preliminary data from the most recent federally <br />mandated Point in Time count found 6,860 homeless <br />people in Orange County, with 2,899 of those - a little <br />more than 42 percent - having some kind of emergency <br />or transitional shelter. <br />RELATED: Which cities have the most homeless liviDng <br />.--.--.-... ........ -..._.. <br />without shelter? <br />It seems like a big jump from the 2017 tally of 4,792 <br />homeless people (it's about a 43 percent increase), but <br />Orange County officials said it would be misleading to <br />make a direct comparison because this year's survey was <br />much more thorough and sophisticated than in previous <br />years. <br />RELATED: See the coup s announcement with the <br />........... ............... ..... .._..._...__..._..�! _..._..._........ ........ ........... <br />preliminary report. <br />Officials suspected past counts were too low because <br />volunteers only interviewed about 300 to 400 homeless <br />people and extrapolated the numbers based on <br />countywide demographics, Orange County CEO Frank Kim <br />said. <br />