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RELATED: Which are the 10 cities sheltering the most <br />-... ......... ... ............. ---............. _........_..._....... ._..._..._... ...... _. _ <br />homeless people? <br />Since then - in part due to a lawsuit filed when the Santa <br />Ana River Trail encampment was cleared - hundreds of <br />beds have opened at shelters in Santa Ana, Anaheim, <br />Tustin and Costa Mesa offering an array of services to help <br />people get off the streets. Huntington Beach, Buena Park <br />and Placentia have found sites for facilities they plan to <br />build. Mental health care, job training and placement and <br />other services also have expanded. <br />"There's just a huge amount of progress that's been <br />made;" said Susan Price, the county's director of care <br />coordination. "We've got to pivot, really, to the exit from <br />those emergency shelters." <br />RELATED: What obstacles do Orange County's unsheltered <br />__........._.__I................._..._...-... -..._..._....._.__..._.._- <br />homeless face? <br />She said the homeless count data highlights what more <br />can be done: <br />The 55 percent of unsheltered adults who are able to <br />work could be connected with jobs. More veterans - 68 <br />percent are living on the street - may be eligible for <br />federal housing assistance. More affordable housing <br />could be built by the Orange County Housing Trust, which <br />has seen a recent infusion of cash and growing interest <br />from cities. <br />"I think collectively as a region;' Kim said, "what we've <br />realized is the homeless individuals in our communities, <br />they're ours:' <br />Full results of the survey will be released in June. <br />Want local ews? <br />Sign up for the Localist and <br />stay informed <br />Enter your email to subscribe <br />