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NEWS > CRIME + PUBLIC SAFETY <br />2 charged with attempted <br />murder after Santa Ana attack <br />left man without eye, <br />fractured skull <br />By CITY NEWS SERVICE I <br />PUBLISHED: September 1, 2017 at 7:28 pm I UPDATED: September <br />1, 2017 at 8:20 pm <br />SANTA ANA — Two men were charged today with attempted <br />murder in connection with the near -fatal attack of a man <br />beaten with a hammer and skateboard at Centennial Regional <br />Park in Santa Ana. <br />Anthony Edward Rodriguez, 23, and Adrian Hernandez, 19, <br />both of Santa Ana, were also charged with aggravated <br />mayhem, and they face sentencing enhancement allegations of <br />premeditated attempted murder. The enhancement means the <br />pair face a minimum life sentence. <br />The victim, who also lives in Santa Ana, is expected to survive, <br />but he lost an eye and sustained multiple fractures to the jaw <br />and skull, according to Santa Ana police Cpl. Anthony Bertagna. <br />Witnesses told police the unidentified victim, who is in his 30s, <br />appeared to be under the influence of an intoxicant when he <br />approached three men sitting by a skate park at 3000 W. <br />Edinger Ave. and challenged them to fight about 7 p.m <br />Tuesday, Bertagna said. <br />