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G ui plot mcnt <br />�� I�rvcloprox: nl EDDomerC Code <br />_ •�� U c p a r I nr c n I EDD Customer Code No.E00663 <br />EDDISAPD <br />s 1 ., t 1• r- , i t r r ,. i ATTACHMENT NO. D3 <br />EMPLOYMENT (DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT <br />STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY <br />INFORMATION SECURITY CERTIFICATION <br />We, the PDlice Systems Manager and the Commander hereby certify that Santa Ana Police Department has in <br />place the safeguards and security requirements stated in this Interagency Agreement. We therefore accept <br />responsibility for ensuring compliance with these requirements. as set forth in Exhibit "D" of the EDD Contract Dlo. <br />M0113589, <br />—IhIiSGeIi SrGtIAIUR[ ��p C hfANNDER SIGNATURE <br />Boris Duran _ Malt Brown <br />POLICE. SYST@AIS?MNAGERGERCER ,—� PRINTNAMIE. <br />__.___, Police Systems Wlaa er �— Commander <br />NUIT TnLE—_._...._, ,`._._..___. NRINT Tin: <br />--------.------�7Er 245•a23o _.....__ ._..__..____ ____.._ (714) 2rt5.8041 <br />iE6 Et{Dt:E NUt. uER FELEPHOtic tiill,'3ER --� <br />-----�--- bduranBsanta-ana.oro _ inbrown0santa-ana.o <br />E•hlniL AODR&S& EP.fA4 AD7RES <br />aA7E slct,Ea <br />NOTE: Rctuin this Information Security Ceitiricalion to tho EDD Contract Manager vrith lho s7gned <br />copies of the Contract. <br />1. Information Security Certification received by: <br />-_—EDO CCE:Ta;,f,T fS1J; rR L'.!;i -- DATE _CENED - <br />2. The EDD information asset access approved by: <br />COFIfE+•1GT AIhtJ:iGER 4R Uf:ifteSURti Gc)ORUItd%.[pR U, [F, faf%RGv"cUf%EF C�4:It F. TC.i <br />NO TE: 'Me EDD must have a signeQ'tnforuratfon Security Certiricatiow in its possession prior to <br />disclosure, orany personal. confidential. or sonsihivo inlornlation to the Santa Ana Police <br />Department <br />Allachment 03 (Rev 0; 20171 <br />