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shared the initial interest in putting together a process to deal with any potential <br />violations of the code of ethics and conduct. The committee declined to make any <br />recommendations to City Council to implement a formal process for addressing <br />complaints. The decision was made to retain a status quo policy of the code of ethics <br />and conduct, as a value based policy that applies to all elected officials, all appointed <br />Board Members, and all Commissioners. <br />Staff was directed to look into the uniform complaint procedure used by the Board of <br />the Santa Ana Unified School District. Discussion to agendize the broader topic at <br />some point in the future and use this research as a starter topic. <br />11. Communications Update (verbal) — {Strategic Plan No. 1 through 7} — Daisy <br />Perez, City Manager's Office <br />Daisy Perez from the City Manager's Office provided a brief update on communications <br />for the City. The City Manager's Office is responsible for issuing press releases and <br />responding to media requests. Additionally, the City Manager's Office has been <br />working very closely with recruitment to open up a public affairs and information officer <br />position. The recruitment is currently active and will close August 16, 2019. <br />Lastly, Daisy provided a brief update on Census 2020 communication. The committee <br />with Councilmember Penaloza as Chair, is made up of representatives from Santa Ana <br />College, Santa Ana Unified School District, various government agencies, and <br />nonprofit organizations. <br />COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS <br />Chair Solorio recognized the improvements in our social media over the past couple <br />years and thanked Daisy Perez for her efforts in this regard. <br />Vice -Chair Iglesias thanked the committee for the bringing everyone up to speed and <br />is looking forward to the updates on the information requested during this meeting. <br />Councilmember Penaloza, thanked the staff for the hard work on these reports and the <br />updates from Townsend Public Affairs, Holland & Knight and the League of California <br />Cities. <br />FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS <br />• Review and Discussion of a Code of Conduct and Ethics formalized complaint process. <br />ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 2:08 pm. The next Legislative Affairs, Ethics, <br />Trans aren Communications Council Committee meeting will be at noon on October 7, 2019. <br />%, <br />Nicole Houston <br />Recording Secretary <br />City Manager's Office <br />Legislative Affairs, Ethics, Transparency and Croommunications Council Committee Special Meeting Minutes <br />1 A36 <br />