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2019 Water, Recycled Water, and Sewer Rate Study <br />4. Rate Structure <br />water from MWD, the electrical costs for distributing that volume of water, a portion of the CIP, and a <br />portion of the G&A costs. The allocation of water in each tier is based on the amount of water supply that <br />is available from each respective source. As previously stated in Section 1.1, 75% of the Water <br />Enterprise's water supply comes from groundwater. <br />Tier Width Allocations <br />For single family residential accounts, 75% of the water usage by that customer class occurs below the <br />water consumption level of 10.7 CCF per EM per month. As such the recommended Tier 1 threshold for <br />single family residential customers is set at 10.7 CCF per EM per month. However, due to limitations in <br />the City's billing software, the City currently bills in whole CCF on a bi-monthly basis. To account for this, <br />the tier thresholds is rounded to the nearest CCF. Tier 1 will drop down from 10.7 CCF to 10.5 CCF per <br />month. The remaining water consumption (above 10.5 CCF per month) is designated as MWD <br />purchased water costs. The same approach was utilized for non-residential customers yielding 31.1 CCF <br />per month (rounded down to 31 CCF). <br />Tier width allocation for the multi -family customer class used the same methodology as was used for <br />single family and non-residential customer classes, however, the allocation was based off of the number <br />of dwelling units rather than meter equivalence. 75% of the water usage by that customer class occurs <br />below 8.4 CCF (rounded up to 8.5 CCF) per dwelling unit per month. As such, this level of consumption <br />became the Tier 1 allocation threshold for this customer class, with the remaining consumption above 8.5 <br />CCF per unit per month charged at Tier 2 rates. <br />Recycled water customers only have one source of supply, as such all of the consumption will be charged <br />in one tier. <br />Unit Cost <br />of Water <br />($/AF) <br />Volume (AF) <br />Tier 1 Tier Recycled Water <br />Figure 4-3: Tiered Rate Cost and Flow Allocations <br />Water Usage Charge Calculation <br />City of Santa Ana Stantec 133 <br />