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To Consultant: Charitable Ventures of Orange County <br />1505 E. 17tb Street, Suite 101 <br />Santa Ana, CA 92705 <br />A party may change its address by giving notice in writing to the other party. Thereafter, <br />any communication shall be addressed and transmitted to the new address. If sent by <br />mail, communication shall be effective or deemed to have been given three (3) days <br />after it has been deposited in the United States mail, duly registered or certified, with <br />postage prepaid, and addressed as set forth above. For purposes of calculating these <br />time frames, weekends, federal, state, County or City holidays shall be excluded. <br />14. TERMINATION <br />This Agreement may be terminated by the City upon thirty (30) days written notice <br />of termination. In such event, Consultant shall be entitled to receive and the City <br />shall pay Consultant compensation for all services performed by Consultant prior to <br />receipt of such notice of termination, subject to the following conditions: <br />a. As a condition of such payment, th e Executive Director may require Consultant <br />to deliver to the City all work product completed as of such date, and in such <br />case such work product shall be the property of the City unless prohibited by <br />law, and Consultant consents to the City's use thereof for such purposes as the <br />City deems appropriate. <br />b. Payment need not be made for work which fails to meet the standard <br />of performance specified in the Recitals of this Agreement. <br />15. COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS AND REGULATIONS <br />a. Consultant shall perform all requirements under this Agreement in strict <br />observance and in compliance with all applicable environmental, traffic, safety <br />and any other laws, regulations, ordinances, codes and any other legislative or <br />statutory requirements. <br />b. Consultant warrants that the performance of services under this Agreement <br />shall be compliant with the current requirements of the Highway Safety <br />Grant Management Manual and as itmaybe amended orupdated throughout the <br />term of this Agreement. <br />C. Consultant certifies that it shall comply with the following regulations, as <br />required by the State of California Office of Traffic Safety: <br />d Audit Records - With respect to all matters covered by this agreement all <br />records shall be made available for audit and inspection by the City, the <br />grant agency and/or their duly authorized representatives for a period of four <br />(4) years from the termination of this Agreement. For a period of three <br />years after final delivery hereunder or until all claims related to this <br />Page 6 of 10 <br />