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safety events. Presentations will be made to fellow residents and city staff <br />Deliverables: 1 Open House Event <br />2e Stakeholder Meeting <br />Stakeholder meetings will engage community members and key city <br />stakeholders responsible for traffic safety improvements where participants will <br />share their active transportation experiences, concerns, and needs. <br />Deliverables: 2 Stakeholder Meetings <br />3a Pop -Up Demo <br />Pop-up demonstrations of active transportation project or program will <br />demonstrate what a permanent project or improvement could look like in real- <br />time and provide safety education and encouragement of walking and biking. <br />Deliverables: 1 Demonstration Event <br />3b Family Cycling <br />The class merges the traditional Traffic Skills curriculum developed by the <br />League of American Bicyclists with the basic skills taught to youth in a bike <br />rodeo. Riders will learn the rules of the road for entering traffic at intersections <br />and riding in the street. <br />Deliverables: 4 Family Cycling Classes <br />3c Luces Vivas <br />iLuces Vivas! is an education and night light distribution program intended to <br />provide education and encouragement for riding bikes and walking in Santa <br />Ana safely at night. <br />Deliverables: 2 Luces Vivas Events <br />3d Traffic Safety Fair <br />Traffic Safety Fair events teach students how to interact with the roadway and <br />traffic. The class instruction on using the different intersection devices, <br />bicycling in the roadway, bicycle safety inspections, and helmet fit. The course <br />uses a combination of simulation and hands-on training to teach the student <br />how to make safe decisions while walking or riding within the roadway. <br />Deliverables: 2 Traffic Safety Fairs <br />