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OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS <br />Office of Justice Programs <br />U.S. Department of justice <br />810 7th Street, NW <br />Washington, DC 20i31 <br />Tel: (202) 307-0690 <br />TTY: (202) 307-2027 <br />E-mail: askOCR(p7usdoj.guv <br />Websile: www.Ojp.usdoj.goviocr <br />OCR Letter to All Recipients <br />November 2, 2018 <br />Mr. Frank Kim <br />County of Orange <br />10 Civic Center Plaza <br />Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />Dear Mr, Kim: <br />Congratulations oyour recant award. in este Ojr <br />compliance with fee deral civil rights laws. The Offi,fag financial assistance programs, Congress linked the receipt of federal funding toce for Civil Rights (OCR), Office of Justice Programs (0JP), U.S. Department of Justice <br />(DOJ) is responsible for ensuring that recipients of financial assistance from the O1P, the OtTice of Community Oden[ed Aolicing Services <br />(COPS), and the Office on Violence Against Women (OV W) comply with the applicable federal civil rights laws. We at the OCR are <br />available to help you and your organization meet the civil rights requirements that come with DOJ funding. <br />Ensuring Access to Federally Assisted Programs <br />Federal laws that apply to recipients of financial assistance from the DOJ prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, <br />religion, sex, or disability in funded programs oractvities, not only in employment but also in the delivery of services or benefits. A fedemi <br />law also prohibits recipients from discriminating on the basis of age in the delivery of services or benefits. <br />In March of 2013, President Obama signed the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013. The statute amends the Violence <br />Against Women Act Of 1994 (VAWA) by including a nondiscrimination grant condition that prohfbils discrimination based on actual or <br />perceived race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity. The new nondiscrimumtongnant <br />condition applies m certain programs funded after October 1, 2013. The OCR end the O V W have developed answers ri some frequently <br />asked questions about this prevision to assist recipients of VAWA funds to understandt VW obligations. etiore. The answers <br />are available at hips://Ojp.govlabou✓ucrivuwafags.htm, Frequently Asked Questions <br />Enforcing Civil Rights Laws <br />All recipients of the workforce, <br />financial assistance, regardless of theparticular funding source, the amount of the and, or the number of <br />employees in the workforce, are subject to prohibitions against unlnwful discriminaton. Accordingly, the OCR nvestiga[es recipients that <br />are the subject of discrimination complaints from botlh individuals and groups. In addition, based on regulatory criteria, the OCR selects a <br />number t all segments <br />each year for complianceopulreviews, audits that require recipients to submit dam showing that they ace providing services <br />equitably' to all segments of their service population and that their employmentpmctices meet equal opportunity standards. <br />