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C. Additional Days Off during a Closure <br />1. Employees will need to choose from the options in this subsection to cover any <br />additional regularly scheduled work days which are not City observed holidays. <br />2. Employees may use any of the following accrued leaves they have available to <br />cover any additional day(s) off which may be required by the closure: <br />• Vacation <br />• Compensatory Time Off <br />• Holiday <br />3. Employees are not perrnitted to use sick leave for a holiday closure day unless <br />he/she produces a physician's certification for each day reported as sick leave. <br />This additional certification is not required for employees with approved <br />advance sick leave usage due to FMLA/CFRA/PDL (or any other protected <br />leave). <br />4. Employees shall have the option of not using paid leave for any, or all, holiday <br />closure day(s) and taking the day(s) off as an absence without pay. <br />D. Standby Assignments during a Closure <br />An employee assigned to standby while using leave for the holiday closure shall <br />receive the additional three dollars and fifty-two cents ($3.52) per hour, as per <br />Section 5.5(C)(2), for each regularly scheduled work hour (i.e., during those hours <br />of the day which cut across his/her regular work hours) he/she is using paid leave <br />for, but is still assigned to standby. <br />Such employee shall still adhere to the provisions of Section 83C to cover their <br />regular shift while remaining in standby mode and available for callback, However, <br />if an employee is recalled during their regular work hours, the time spent on the <br />recall shall be deducted from the paid leave for that day. <br />For example: <br />An employee regularly scheduled to work 6:30 a.m. — 4:00 p. m. on one (1) of the <br />days during the closure uses nine (9) hours of accrued vacation to cover that day. <br />If that employee is recalled from 8:00 a.m. —10:00 a.m. on that same day, he/she <br />will only have seven (7) hours of vacation deducted from his/her vacation accrual <br />for that day. <br />E. Callbacks during a Closure <br />An employee who is recalled to active duty on one of the winter holiday closure <br />2019-2022 MOU City of Santa Ana & SEIU Full -Time Employees Unit Page 49 <br />