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C. Effect of Extended Sick Leave on Vacation Accrual <br />Absence on sick leave for a period in excess of fifteen (15) consecutive calendar <br />days shall not be considered as service time for vacation accrual purposes. <br />9.3 Use of Vacation <br />A. Use of Vacation in First Year <br />On or after the first (11� day of the month following completion of six (6) months <br />of continuous full-time service, an employee may be allowed to take all or a <br />proportionate fraction of his or her earned vacation, subject to scheduling approval <br />of the employee's supervisor. <br />B. Rate of Usage <br />Vacation time off may be taken in increments as small as one-half (05) hour, with <br />fractional usage rounded upward to the next higher multiple of one-half (0.5) hour. <br />C. lvlitnimamm Use <br />Upon the completion of two (2) years of continuous service, each employee must <br />take at least five (5) working days of vacation off each calendar year. <br />D. Time of Usage <br />The time at which an employee may take his/her vacation shall be determined by <br />the Department Head, with due regard for the wishes of the employee and particular <br />regard for the needs of the service. <br />E. Limitation on Usage <br />With the exception of a retiring employee, no employee is granted, and no <br />employee shall be allowed to take any vacation leave with pay in excess of fifty <br />(50) working days or four hundred (400) hours in any one (1) calendar year. <br />9.4 Computation of Vacation Use <br />A. Holidays during Vacation <br />In computing vacation, each City observed holiday that occurs during the vacation, <br />and that falls on a day which the employee would have worked had he/she not been <br />on vacation, shall be deducted from the computation so that one (1) additional day <br />of vacation shall be allowed to the employee. <br />2019-2022 MOU City of Santa Ana & SEIU Full -Time Employees Unit Page 52 & <br />