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ZOA No. 2019-01 <br />February 11, 2019 <br />Page 7 <br />CEQA, Strategic Plan Alignment and Public Notification & Community Outreach <br />and encourage private development through new General Plan and Zoning <br />Ordinance policies) and Goal No. 5 - Community Health, Livability, Engagement & <br />Sustainability, Objective No. 3 (facilitate diverse housing opportunities and support <br />efforts to preserve and improve the livability of Santa Ana neighborhoods). <br />Public Notification & Community Outreach <br />Required Measures <br />On March 21, 2018, the applicant held a community meeting in accordance with <br />the provisions of the City's Sunshine Ordinance at the Vista Heritage Charter <br />School Cafeteria. A total of 13 members of the community attended, with <br />issues such as parking, traffic, the drop-off and pick-up functions and project <br />timing were raised. Planning Division staff also attended the meeting. The <br />applicant provided a draft notice, affidavit, copy of publication, and meeting <br />notes to Planning Division staff in the days following the meeting. <br />A public notice was posted on the project site on February 1, 2019. <br />Notification by mail was mailed to all property owners and occupants within 500 <br />feet of the project site on February 1, 2019. <br />Newspaper posting was published in the Orange County Reporter on February <br />1, 2019. <br />Additional <br />The project site is located within the boundaries of the Artesia Pilar <br />Measures <br />Neighborhood Association. Staff has notified the association President of the <br />project by mail a minimum of 10 days prior to the public hearing to ensure they <br />were notified of the meeting and to identify if there were any areas of concern. <br />The project site itself was posted with a notice advertising this public hearing, a <br />notice was published in the Orange County Reporter and mailed notices were <br />sent to all property owners and occupants within 500 feet of the project site. At <br />the time of this printing,_ no correspondence, either written or electronic, had <br />been received from any members of the public. <br />Fiscal Analysis <br />The project is anticipated to create a positive short term impact through the creation of <br />construction employment for the needed tenant improvements. Minimal long term impacts are <br />expected from the increase in employee at the facility purchasing goods from adjacent <br />commercial and restaurant establishments. There will be no impact to the property tax values <br />since both the property owner (Templo Calvario) and the school have property tax exemptions. <br />Conclusion <br />Based on the analysis provided in this report, staff recommends that the Planning Commission <br />recommend that the City Council adopt an ordinance approving Zoning Ordinance Amendment <br />No. 2019-01. <br />75D-18 <br />