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FULL PACKET_2019-12-17
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2019-12-17
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12/16/2019 9:01:33 AM
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12/16/2019 8:41:10 AM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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develop and submit to the City Manager or his/her designee, a local live -work plan for <br />the Project targeting, to the extent feasible and consistent with state and federal fair <br />housing laws, a preference or priority for persons who currently either live or work in the <br />City of Santa Ana for the rental of units at the Project. <br />4.10 Local Sourcing Plan. OWNER agrees to make a good faith effort to encourage <br />contractors and suppliers to hire and procure locally, to the extent that it is cost effective <br />and does not delay the overall project development schedule. Prior to issuance of any <br />Building Permits, OWNER shall develop and submit to the Planning and Building <br />Agency (the "PBA") a local sourcing plan for the Project targeting, to the extent feasible, <br />the hiring of qualified workers, construction contractors, or the purchasing of goods <br />locally within the City of Santa Ana. The plan must be reviewed in a timely manner and <br />approved by the PBA and be implemented for the construction of the project prior to <br />issuance of any Building Permits. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. <br />5. FINANCING & MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AND SERVICES <br />OWNER may propose, and if requested by CITY shall cooperate in, the formation of any special assessment <br />district, community facilities district or alternate financing mechanism to pay for the construction and/or <br />maintenance and operation of public infrastructure facilities required as part of the Development Plan by <br />providing up to $50,000 toward the costs of CITY in preparing a study to determine the need for any such <br />district or alternate financing mechanism. To the extent any such district or other financing entity is formed <br />and sells bonds in order to finance such reimbursements, OWNER may be reimbursed to the extent that <br />OWNER spends funds or dedicates land for the establishment of public facilities. If such a district or other <br />financing entity is proposed OWNER agrees not to oppose such formation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, <br />it is acknowledged and agreed by the parties that nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as <br />requiring CITY or the City Council to form any such district or other financing entity or to issue and sell <br />bonds. In addition, it is acknowledged and agreed by the parties that nothing contained in this Agreement <br />shall be construed as requiring OWNER to vote in support of or annex to such district or other financing <br />entity. It shall be the sole right of OWNER to determine whether to be in or out of any such district or other <br />financing entity. <br />REVIEW FOR COMPLIANCE. <br />6.1 Periodic Review. The CITY shall review this Agreement annually, on or before the <br />anniversary of the Effective Date, in order to ascertain the compliance by OWNER with <br />the terms of the Agreement. OWNER shall submit an Annual Monitoring Report, in a <br />form acceptable to the City Manager, within thirty (30) days after written notice from the <br />City Manager. The Annual Monitoring Report shall be accompanied by an annual review <br />and administration fee sufficient to defray the estimated costs of review and administration <br />of the Agreement during the succeeding year. The amount of the annual review and <br />administration fee shall be set annually by resolution of the City Council. <br />6.2 Special Review. The City Council may order a special review of compliance with this <br />Agreement at any time. The City Manager, or his or her designee, shall conduct such <br />special reviews. <br />6.3 Procedure. <br />(a) During either a periodic review or a special review, OWNER shall be required to <br />demonstrate good faith compliance with the terms of the Agreement. The burden <br />55394.00002\31553197.13 <br />#21124v3 <br />11 A-33 <br />
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