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NS-2981 - Amending Chapters 8 and 14 of Santa Ana Municipal Code to Adopt and Amend Recently Enacted California Codes
2011 - 2020 (NS-2813 - NS-3000)
2020 (NS-2979 - NS-3000)
NS-2981 - Amending Chapters 8 and 14 of Santa Ana Municipal Code to Adopt and Amend Recently Enacted California Codes
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1/9/2020 3:43:11 PM
City Clerk
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2019-116 - Setting Forth Findings With Respect to Local Conditions
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\Resolutions\CITY COUNCIL\2011 -\2019
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burn a gas flame and not wood or other solid fuel. At R-3 occupancies, <br />combustible construction shall not be located within three feet of an <br />atmospheric column that extends vertically from the perimeter of the <br />device. At other R occupancies, the minimum distance shall be ten feet. <br />Where a permanent Building Department approved hood and vent is <br />installed, combustible construction may encroach upon this column <br />between the bottom of the hood and the vent opening. Where chimneys <br />or vents are installed, they shall have a spark arrester as defined in <br />Section 202. <br />Section 307.6.2 Devices using wood or fuels other than natural gas or <br />liquefied -petroleum gas is hereby amended as follows: <br />307.6.2 Devices using wood or fuels other than natural gas or <br />liquefied -petroleum gas. Permanent outdoor fireplaces burning wood or <br />other solid fuel shall be constructed in accordance with the California <br />Building Code with clearance from combustible construction and building <br />openings as required therein. Fires in a fireplace shall be contained within <br />a firebox with an attached chimney. The opening in the face of the firebox <br />shall have an installed and maintained method of arresting sparks. <br />The burning of wood or other solid fuel in a device is not allowed within 25 <br />feet of combustible structures, unless within an approved permanent <br />fireplace. Conditions which could cause a fire to spread within 25 feet of a <br />structure or to vegetation shall be eliminated prior to ignition. Fires in <br />devices burning wood or solid fuel shall be in accordance with Sections <br />305, 307, and 308. <br />Exceptions: <br />1. Portable fireplaces and fire rings/pits equipped with a device to <br />arrest sparks shall be located at least 3' from combustible construction at <br />R-3 occupancies, <br />2. Portable fireplaces, and fire pits/rings equipped with a device to <br />arrest sparks, shall be located at least 15 feet from combustible structures <br />at other R occupancies. <br />Section 307.6.2.1 Where prohibited is hereby amended as follows: <br />307.6.2.1 Where prohibited. The burning of wood and other solid fuels shall not <br />be conducted within a fuel modification zone, Wildfire Risk Area (WRA), <br />Wildland-Urban Interface Area (WUI), or in locations where conditions could <br />cause the spread of fire to the WRA or WUI. <br />Exceptions: <br />Ordinance No. NS-2981 <br />Page 12 of 33 <br />
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