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3. Discuss Fourth of July Illegal Fireworks Outreach — Deputy Chief Eric Paulson <br />PUBLIC COMMENT <br />Esther Fonseca thanked PD for comprehensive presentation on outreach efforts to educate <br />the community on illegal fireworks. She expressed her concerns for the danger of the illegal <br />fireworks that are used in her neighborhood and would like PD to have an aggressive <br />approach when dealing with these calls. She also expressed how neighbors are afraid to go <br />out due to the severity of this problem. <br />Deputy Chief Paulson presented to Council Committee an overview of the focused efforts <br />towards community outreach and education of the use of illegal fireworks in the City of <br />Santa Ana. Beginning July 2 — 4 all hands on deck for enforcement and confiscation of <br />illegal fireworks. Outreach efforts that have been made are: YouTube PSA, social media <br />outreach (PD and City), distribution of flyer in schools and community meetings, <br />advertisement in local magazines and partnership with local grocers to distribute our flyers. <br />Fire Division Chief Henry recanted an incident that occurred last year in the area of South <br />Lyon, where palm trees where set on fire by illegal fireworks and a police officer had a <br />firework thrown at him. <br />ACTION <br />Vice -Chair Penaloza would like to meet with PD and City social media staff to look into a <br />target plan to reach a bigger audience for advertisement of outreach efforts. <br />4. Police Department Hiring Update — Deputy Chief Enrique Esparza <br />Deputy Chief Esparza presented the Council Committee with an update on hiring sworn <br />positions, by reviewing the number of vacancies compared to filled positions year-to-date, <br />as well as the number of additional officers projected to be hired the remainder of 2019. <br />Additionally, Deputy Chief Esparza shared efforts of expansion of recruitment efforts <br />through attendance of recruitment events in other counties, as well as military bases. Social <br />media has also been increased to promote hiring. Deputy Chief Esparza shared an update <br />on Hiring Expo where there were 56 attendees interested in our police officer vacancies, <br />dispatcher and other open positions. Deputy Chief Esparza provided an organizational <br />chart for PD Human Resources Division to identify the updated restructuring of the <br />division and duties assigned. <br />The Council Committee shared dialogue with Staff about recruitment/retainment efforts, <br />asked questions and offered support of recruitment efforts. The Committee also requested <br />an explanation of breakdown of the number of separations stated on PowerPoint. <br />13A-5 <br />