1PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN1OF SHEETSA-2.24INSPECTIONS1. OCFA final inspection required. Please schedule all field inspections at least 48 hours in advance. Inspections canceled after 1 p.m. on the day before the scheduled date will be subject to a reinspection fee. Phasing of inspections may require additional fees, also. Call OCFA Inspection Scheduling at 714-573-6150.2. Buildings under construction or demolition shall conform to CFC Chapter 14. No smoking or cooking is allowed in structures where combustible materials are exposed or within 25' of combustible materials storage areas. Cutting, welding, or other hot work shall be in conformance with CFC Chapter 35.3. In buildings four or more stories in height, standpipes shall be provided during construction when the height reaches 40 feet above the lowest point of fire department access. A fire department connection sha ll be no more than 1 00 feet from available fire department vehicle access roadways. A hydrant shall be located along the access roadway within 150 feet of the location(s) that the FDC can be accessed from. CFC 3310, 33134. Address numbers shall be provided for all new and existing buildings, be a minimum of four inches high for individual dwelling units and six inches high for al l other installations and structures, contrast with their background, and be plainly visible from the roadway the building is addressed on. Temporary address numbers shall be provided on construction fencing or the building until permanent numbers can be provided. CBC 501 .2, CFC 505.15. Locations and classifications of extinguishers shall be in accordance with CFC 906 and CCR Title 19. At least one extinguisher shall be provided during construction on each floor at each stairway, in each storage and construction shed, in locations where flammable or combustible liquids are stored or used, or where similar hazards are present per CFC 3315.1. Before final occupancy, at least one 2A: 1 OB:C extinguisher shall be provided so that no point is more than 75' travel distance from the extinguisher. Extinguishers shall be located along the path of egress travel and in a readily visible and accessible location, with the bottom of the extinguisher at least 4" above the floor. Additional extinguishers may be required by OCFA inspectors depending on project or site conditions and final placement is subject to their approval.6. Wall , floor and ceiling finishes and materials shall not exceed the flame spread classifications in CBC Table 803.9. Decorative materials shall be properly treated by a product or process approved by the State Fire Marshal with appropriate documentation provided to the OCFA. Such items shall be approved and inspected by the OCFA prior to installation.7. Knox boxes/key cabinets shall be provided for all high-rise buildings, pool enclosures, gates in the path of firefighter travel to structures, secured parking levels, doors giving access to alarm panels and/or annunciators, and any other structures or areas where immediate access is required or is unduly difficult. An OCFA inspector can assist with locking gate keys in Knox boxes, contact your local fire station to arrange an appointment to secure master building keys in the Knox box.8. Approval of these plans shall not permit the violation of any code or law. Requirements or features not identified on the plan may apply and OCFA inspectors may require additional information or items from those shown on the plan depending on actual or anticipated field conditions. Such changes may necessitate submittal of revised or as-built plans to the OCFA and the City/County where the project is located.GENERAL REQUIREMENTS9. The project shall comply with 2013 California Building Code, 2013 California Fire Code, and other currently adopted codes, standards, reg ulations and requirements as enforced by the Orange County Fire Authority. Portions of the project that are deferred shall be subject to the codes, standards, and other applicable requirements in force on the date that the deferred plan is submitted to OCFA.10. Dumpsters and trash containers exceeding 1.5 cubic yards shall not be stored in buildings or placed within 5 feet of combustible walls, openings or combustible roof eave lines unless protected by an approved sprinkler system or located in a Type I or IIA structure separated by 10 feet from other structures. Containers larger than 1 cubic yard shall be of non- or limited-combustible materials or similarly protected or separated. CFC 304.311. Exits, exit signs, fi re alarm panels, hose cabinets, fire extinguisher locations, and standpipe connections shall not be concealed by curtains, mirrors, or other decorative material.12. The egress path shall remain free and clear of all obstructions at all times. No storage is permitted in aisles.13. Exit doors shall be openable from the inside without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort. Doors shall not be provided with thumb-turn locks or deadbolts that do not unlatch in tandem with the normal operating lever. The opening force for interior doors without closers shall not exceed 5 pounds. The unlatching and opening force for other doors, including fire doors, shall not exceed 15 pounds. CBC 100814. The exit path shall be clearly identified with exit signs conforming to CBC 1011 . Illuminated exit signs must have 90-minuteHPHUJHQF\SRZHUEDFNXSă15. Tactile signs shall be provided in commercial buildings, public buildings/accommodations, and publicly funded housing subject to CBC Chapters 11A and Band conform to 1143A or 11B-703.1, -703.2, -703.3, and 703.5, be mounted with the bottom of the lowest line of Braille characters at least 4 feet above the floor but the bottom of the highest line of raised text characters no more than 5 feet above the floor and, whenever possible, on the strike side of the door. Lettering shall be between 5/8" and 2" high. CBC 1011.416 . Stairs serving 4+ stories shall have stairwell signs conforming to CBC 1022.9 and OCFA Guideline E-0217. The exit path shall be illuminated at all times in accordance with CBC 1 006. Emergency lighting shall be provided with 90- minute back-up.18. Rated assemblies shall conform to approved methods and materials of construction. Penetrations through rated walls, ceilings, or floors shall be protected in an approved manner complying with CBC/CFC Chapter 7.19. Rated doors shall be self-closing and latching; such doors shall not be equipped with door stops or otherwise propped open. Rated doors shall be equipped with rated hardware. CFC 703PROJECT-SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTSASSEMBLY OCCUPANCIES20. Occupant load sign, with minimum one-inch letters and numbers contrasting with their background, shall be posted in a conspicuous location near the main exit per CBC 1004.3 and Title 19 3.30. Where multiple seating configurations or uses are anticipated, seating diagrams and their respective occupant loads may also be required to be posted.21. Panic hardware shall be provided for all exit and exit access doors in assembly occupancies. Such doors shall swing in the direction of exit travel. Doors equipped with panic hardware shall have no other lock or latch except panic hardware. If panic hardware is omitted on the main door when permitted by CBC 1 008.1 .9.3, a sign stating "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED" in minimum 1-inch letters contrasting with their background shall be posted in a conspicuous location on or adjacent to the door and the door shall be equipped only with a key-operated lock that visually indicates whether it is open or locked.22. Tables shall be spaced at least 50 inches apart where seating is back to back and aisle accessways serve more than 4 occupants or are longer than six feet. Ai sle widths shall be a minimum of 36 inches where seating is only on one side of the aisle or 42 inches for seating on both sides. Where seats back up into aisles, seat backs shall be located at 1 9 inches from the table edge and the clear aisle width shall be measured from the back of the seat. CBC 1 028.1023. Open flame in assembly areas is prohibited except as specifically permitted by the OCFA in compliance with CFC Chapter3.EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS24. An automatic fire sprinkler system sha ll be provided throughout the building in compliance with 2013 NFPA 13 (13-R) and CFC 903. Review and approval of a sprinkler plan is required prior to installation or modification.25. An automatic extinguishing system shall be provided to protect commercial-type food heating equipment that produces grease-laden vapors and shall comply with 2013 CFC and CMC and 2009 NFPA 17 A. Review and approval of a hood and duct extinguishing system plan is required prior to installation or use of cooking equipment.ALARM and MONITORING SYSTEMS26. A fire alarm system shall be provided in compliance with CBC/CFC 907 and 2013 NFPA 72. A separate plan submittal is required for approval prior to in stallation or modification.27 . Automatic fire sprinkler system(s) and all control valves, with the exception of those listed in CFC 903.4, shall be monitored by a UL listed central alarm station.OCFA Architectural NotesFIRE AUTHORITY NOTESPROPOSEDFLOOR PLAN1801 S MAIN ST. UNIT ESANTA ANA, CA. 92707714-588-8377GEN ERAL CO NTR ACTORdeltaconstrctionco@gmail.comDAVID TRAN (DAT)16027 BROOKHURST ST. # G 259FOUNTAIN VALLEY CA 92708 CELL: (714) 987 - 0787PLAN:PROJECT NAME:JOB SITE:PHONE:REVISIONSBYDRAWNDATEJOB No.SHEETDAVID TRAN17-00911-26-2018MARISCOSHECTOR # 1DELTACONSTRUCTIONLIC #9222002-29