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40 <br />H ISCOX PRCY" General Liability Coverage Part (Occurrence) <br />(1) request, demand, or order that you or others test for, monitor, cleanup, remove, <br />contain, treat, detoxify, or neutralize, or In any way respond to or assess the <br />effect of any biological agents; or <br />(2) claim or other proceeding by or on behalf of a governmental authority or others <br />for the testing for, monitoring, cleaning up, removing, containing, treating, <br />detoxifying, or neutralizing, or In any way responding to or assessing the effects <br />of any biological agents, <br />Communicable disease 8. based upon or arising out of the actual or alleged transmission of a communicable disease <br />This exclusion will apply even If the claim against you alleges negligence or other <br />wrongdoing In the: <br />a. supervising, hiring, employing, training, or monitoring of others that may be Infected <br />with and spread a communicable disease; <br />b. testing for a communicable disease; <br />C. failure to preventthe spread of the disease; or <br />d. failure to report the disease to authorities. <br />Contractual liability <br />4. for which you are legally obligated to pay as damages because of liability assumed In a <br />contract or agreement. However, this exclusion will not apply to liability for damages; <br />a. you would have In the absence of such contract or agreement; or <br />b. assumed In an insured contract, provided the bodily injury, property damage, or <br />personal and advertising Injury occurs after such contract or agreement has been <br />fully executed. <br />Crime or fraud <br />6. based upon or arising out of any actual or alleged criminal or fraudulent conduct committed <br />by you, at your dlrmflon, or with your consent or knowledge. <br />Electronic chatmoms, <br />6. based upon or arising out of an electronic chatroom, bulletin board, or website you host, <br />bulletin boards, or <br />own, or over which you exercise control. <br />websltes <br />Electronic data <br />7. based upon or arising out of the loss of, loss of use of, damage to, corruption of, Inability to <br />amass, or Inability to manipulate electronic data. <br />Employment related <br />8. based upon or arising out of any actual or alleged: <br />liability <br />a. obligation under any workers' compeneatlon, unemployment compensation, <br />employers' liability, fair labor standards, labor relations, wage and hour, or disability <br />benefit law, Including any simllar provisions of any federal, state, or local statutory or <br />common law; <br />b. Ilabllity or breach of any duty or obligaton owed by you as an ompioyer or prospective <br />employer; or <br />C. harassment, wrongful termination, retaliation, or discrimination, including but not <br />limited to adverse or disparate Impact, <br />Including any resulting damages sustained at any time by the brother, child, parent, sister, <br />or spouse of such person as a consequence of the above. <br />This exclusion will apply: <br />a. whether you may be liable as an employer or In any other capacity; and <br />b. to any obligation to share damages with or repay someone else who must pay <br />damages because of any of the above. <br />Fair credit <br />9. based upon or arising out of any actual or alleged violation of file Fair Credit Reporting Act <br />and/or Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act, both as may be amended, or any similar <br />federal, state, or local statutes, rules, or regulations In or outsido the U.S. <br />Includes copyrights mat n I of Insurance <br />Servlcss Offices, I ., witill lie permiselon <br />WCL P0002 CW (10114) .1y Page 12 of 19 <br />